Untitled Part 21

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-Robins POV- My life is Fucked up. that's the only thing that can describe my life right now.

Phoenix hasn't come to school since the day we met.

My animals are restless and cranky.

Tod keeps hitting on me.

My dad was a trip to Europe. ( he wanted to meat up with an old friend)

I cry myself asleep every nigh.

Right now i'm in the bathroom. I was holding a container filled with Med's. I know I am being selfish, But i honestly dont want to keep livings. I feel so lonely and depressed.

I sighed as i put the pills down and went out side. It was fall already. I shivered as a the cold autumn Breeze glided over my skin.

I walked in to the woods and shifted into a slender brown wolf. it felt good. I hadn't sifted in 2 weeks. I started running, I took a deep breath of the crisp air as I moved at the speed of light .

After an hour or 2 I frowned a nice little stream and law down to rest. After a few minuets. I went over to the stream and drank awhile. I started walking. All of a sudden I looked around. 

''I know this place'' I thought

I dont know exactly what happened,But My animals took over and we moved in a trance like was.

After walking for an hour we came to a stop and the force that had us Captured let us go. I looked around.

I gasped. This was were I first shifted. My animal's then talked to me for the first time in a while.

''this is our birth place, we are at our most powerful Position hear.''

I closed my eyes and thought about that day. I was so weak back then. Ha! not much has changed.

I thought about what had happened to me since then. reconnecting with my wonderful dad. Training. school. Phoenix. the last part made me want to cry.

So I Let out a ear piercing Howl. that split the night with a lonely and depressing sound. I ran out of air and let my head hang low as tears formed in my eye's 

All of a sudden another noise Broke the silance of the still night

A whimper of pain





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