my little girl Part 9

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-Tyler Scarlet's POV ( Robins dad)-

There she was. my little girl. my princess. A tear made its way down my cheek, she looked as shocked as i felt. how is she hear? she's dead... I killed her, all those year of watching my little Robin being tortured, of being forced to do things, of being starved. i had tried to help her, tried to comfort her, but nothing had worked.

it all stared 14 years ago, it was my wife and mate Tara and my fourth anniversary, we had a perfect little girl, I was the alpha of the most powerful pack in the world, and i Had the most beautiful women in the world standing by my side. life was good, but then they attached.THE ROUGHS. we had the numbers, but hey had the surprise and we were so not ready! most of out worriers already dead, i don't know how, but they stared attaching us, one of the roughs had Robin cornered, she looked so scared, That's when Sarah longed to try to tackle the wolf to the ground, but he turned and ripped out her neck!!

''NO!!!" I had yelled but it was to late. My Soul Mate was dead.

I ran to her and held her in my arms, As she gave me her last wish

"Take care of our baby, Tyler"I nodded my head and kissed her forehead,

I heard a whimper, i looked up and i wolf ''Cyrano'' completely took over .

''Mate is dead!'' i screamed.

Robin tried to make her way over to her mother and stock her cheek, But was shocked when Cyrano slapped her so hard she flew back 5 feet.

''how dare you strike our daughter'' i screamed ''did you not hear our mates last wish?''

''that discussing excuse of a were is the reason our mate is dead'' he growled

'' Sarah died trying to save her!'' i Growls back

"i don't care she is the reason Sarah is dead, i will make her life a living hell''

''Nooooo!!!'' i had screamed, but it was no use.

And for the next 14 tear i was trapped in my own mind, i could only weep,and scream every time he dishonored out mate's dying wish.

and when after all those year she vanished, i snapped i mentally attached my wolf and killed him. i am how nothing, but a human, i had tried to find her, but she was gone i locked myself up, my only wish to die, and be once again reunited with my family,

Its been almost a year since she left,a i was in the bathroom vomiting up my latest hangover, when the doorbell rang, i finished my biz and walked down the hall way opened the door and stood shocked.

there, Standing in front of my eye's was my beautiful baby girl, Robin.

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