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To start off I’ll tell you a bit about myself. My name is Kora Jeannette Roberts, I’m 16, pale, with long black wavy hair, I have bright yellowish eyes, and 5’9. My heritage consists of eastern European and mi’kmaq (mic-mac) a small aboriginal nation but I look nothing like my mom but mostly my dad. I live inVancouverbut I’m moving out ofCanadaand it’s the middle of November.

When my dad asked me to move with him to a small town I couldn’t help but agree. I had a lot of friends, people called me popular but it was only because I was a mixed martial arts fighter (UFC style), kick boxer, boxer, wrestle, and street fighter. My dad had a new job offer somewhere and he made a deal that he would let me buy new clothes and get some room things and give me a big allowance as long as I didn’t abuse privileges. I had no rules but one, don’t have sex till I’m ready yeah my dads cool like that mostly because I’m so focused on my fighting which is the only thing I’m going to miss.

We arrived at a mall inPort Angelesand I bought a whole bunch of clothes and my dad called me a grungy looking tom boy, but he forgot I bought girly clothes, well my definition of girly. My dad didn’t care what I wore or bought as long as I didn’t look like a hoe on a street corner.

My dad and I arrived back at the new house and it was small, a rancher house. I got the biggest room with a nice window seat looking out to the front yard. The movers already had our furniture set up and my dad came here earlier in the week and un pack everything.

I walked into the house with my bags and found a simple living room, kitchen, and s small bathroom that I and my dad had to share. When I got to my room it was awesome. I had my fight posters and band posters on the walls, a double size canopy bed with zebra bed set, a nice work desk with my lap top and music player, a big bookcase, a vanity make up table, a fairly big closet, zebra chair, the window seat had a black cushion with zebra pillows and black curtains. My room looked awesome and my guitar and accessories for it were beside the window seat. Everything was set up so I didn’t need to do anything but admire my room.

Did I forget to tell you we are now living in La PushWashingtonya it looks pretty boring but my dad wants to have native roots shown to him, I don’t know what that means? I heard my dad talking to a male voice. I looked in my long mirror to check if I looked alright and I did, I was wearing my tribal print romper with my moccasins and brown waist belt.

I went towards the voices and found my dad at the door; I walked over to find a native looking guy in a wheel chair and a tall muscular guy in the doorway outside. I walked up beside my dad and the tree of them looked at me

“Billy, Jacob this is my daughter Kora, Kora this is Billy black and Jacob” I shook Billy’s hand and I just stared at Jacob and felt really light headed and nervous under his eyes he was tanned, tall, shirtless and had scruffy black hair and really nice brown eyes.

“Hi it’s nice to meet you two” I said turning to my dad “can I go on a walk around” I asked

“Sure that’s fine as long as you have your phone on” he said “Billy and I are going over to his house for the football game, he’s just down the street” he said

“Alright talk to you later” I said walking past Jacob.

I was half way out the drive way when I heard foot steps behind me. I looked over my shoulder and found Jacob jogging over

“Well hello there” I said smirking

“Can I walk with you” he asked catching up to my side and started walking the same paste as me

“Sure, so what’s there to do around here” I asked walking down a path that turned out that led to a nice beach

“Well me and my friend’s cliff dive, and those kinds of things” he said putting his hands in his pockets

“That’s cool” I said walking to the water and sat down

“So tell me about you besides just moving here” he said taking a seat beside me

“Well back at home I did UFC fighting, boxing, kick boxing, and street fighting, and I know how to wrestle. I also know how to play the guitar and write songs, there my hobbies” I said looking at my knuckles they were permanently bruised and red from all my fights and had old scars and scabs.

“I bet I could beat you at fighting” Jacob smirked

‘Really, I’ve beat guys your size before so don’t underestimate me” I said in know it all tone.

“Sure you keep thinking that” he winked which made me feel funny.

We stayed at the beach till he had to go to his friends place.

“I guess I’ll see you later then” I said feeling sad that he was leaving

“How about you come along with me and meet them, they would love you” he said taking my hand which sent warm tingles up my arm.

“Alright I guess I could” so we walked up the beach to the friends place.

A/N alright so I’m starting a Jacob black romance story and I hope you read it and vote, comment, and become a fan of my writing. I have other stories on Wattpad, just look on my profile for them



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