Chapter 19- Invitation

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Chapter 19


I woke up this morning feeling fresh so I took a shower and did the usual. I got dressed in converse, ripped jeans, Rise Against t-shirt and purple/grey plaid shirt over top. I did my make up and straightened my hair. I went into the kitchen and found Heather

‘Hey Mrs. Call’ I teased seeing her blush

‘Don’t call me that Mrs. Black’ she teased back, I rolled by eyes and made myself some cereal

‘Oh please at least I’m not swallowing his face every second I get’ I said sarcastically

‘I don’t do that!’ she yelled hitting my arm

‘I beg to differ’ Monti said from behind

‘How would you know that?’ Heather snapped glaring at Monti

Monti looked at her and started to laugh ‘Since last night when I go here you didn’t even leave that dudes side till what 3am’ he answered

‘Staying up to hear what were doing’ she snapped again so I decided to quit this little tisk

‘Alright Heather calm down he was joking and Monti shut it’ I ordered

‘Fine well I’m going to Sam’s’ Heather said and hugged me goodbye.

I was left in the kitchen with my cousin and he was making grilled cheese

‘So where’s your dad?’ he asked flipping the sandwich

‘Detroithe left yesterday’ I said finishing my food

‘What are you doing today’ he asked finishing up he put them on a near by plate and sat down

‘Dunno probably go to the gym or run around in my lynx’ I shrugged I haven’t done either all that much

‘How about you go answer the door’ I was about to answer than I heard the door bell.

I went over to the door and opened it ‘hi Kora’ Edward said smiling

‘Want to come in?’ I asked moving back to the kitchen and felt him follow also I heard the door close

‘Monti this is Edward, Edward this is Monti my cousin’ I introduced as they shook hands

‘What’s this about’ I asked taking my seat

Edward started to shift lightly sticking his hand in his jean pocket and pulling out an envelope

‘I want to invite you to our wedding. Bella and I are getting married and we wanted you to be our ring barer’ he explained handing the envelope to me ‘you’re my best friend, Bella and I want you to be there’ Edward finished smiling his crooked smile

I stared at the wedding invitation in my hand trying to decide my answer ‘you do know I don’t want this right but I also want you to be happy so I would love to do this for you’ I spoke slowly but meant every word

Edward smiled a huge smile ‘thank you so much Kora’ he said giving me a hug

‘Can I come to the wedding’ Monti asked

‘Of course you can how long will you be here for?’ Edward asked

‘Till I get tired of my cousin and decide to leave’ Monti joked

‘Excellent hope to see you there than. See you later Kora’ Edward said and left.


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