Chapter 11- Don't Belong

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Chapter 11


There standing behind my window looking out of breathe was Jacob. I stared for a few minutes, continued e-mailing and ignoring Jacob. I turned on some Daughtry and sat on my window seat. I heard another knock and Jake was still there staring at me this time. I turned my body and unlocked the latch to my window, opened it and grabbed a book I started reading and heard Jake clear his throat

‘Still going to ignore me Kora?’ I heard him chuckle trying to climb in my window but I took my hand and pushed him down

‘What do you want Jake?’ I asked coldly

‘I wanted to know how you were’ he said saddened

‘Really, well you could of texted me or go to the Cullen’s and ask them. Don’t you remember Bella is better than me any day’ I put the book down and went over to me lap top again and went to email so more people.

I heard Jacob climb into my window ‘Please Kora I really didn’t mean it and you know that, you’re my imprint not her I was just pissed that you were hanging with leech boy’ I could tell he was frustrated

‘Why are you fighting for her Jacob I don’t understand’ I spoke quietly trying not to break down.

‘Because I don’t want her to become one of them’ he whispered in frustration

‘You wouldn’t care if there was something more to your feelings with her’ I could feel myself crack even more, just thinking of Jake disappearing more made my heart ache.

‘I can feel what you feel Kora and I know I’m hurting you, I don’t want to do that anymore please forgive me’ he pleaded more but I couldn’t forgive him not until he ends it with Bella.

I know that’s selfish of me but my whole world is falling apart because of her. I grabbed a jacket out my closet and a duffle bag putting clothes in it and my laptop. I put my charger and phone in my purse and threw it out the window

‘What are you doing?’ he asked confused

‘Leaving’ I climbed out the window grabbing my bags; Jacob of course followed

‘Why are you leaving? If it’s me I’m sorry but don’t leave’ I walked over to my scooter and put my clothes bag in the seat compartment.

‘I have to, things have become too much here alright. You can be with Bella and I’ll be gone. I’m sorry but this isn’t my home, BC is’ I said climbing onto the scooter and putting my purse around my body

‘This is your home Kora, you have people who love you here’ Jake pleaded putting himself in front of me

‘Please Jake I left everything behind to be here but that was a mistake’ I started to cry, Jake tried to wipe the tears falling but I pushed his fingers out the way ‘Fighting is my life, my friends and everyone. I being here was a huge mistake’ with that I backed the scooter up and started it

‘Tell my dad that I went away, he knows were’ I called driving out the drive way with a crying Jacob


I parked my scooter in front of the Cullen drive way, I walked up to the door and Emmett answered

‘Hey fighter what’s with the tears’ he asked concerned

‘I’m leaving, you can reach me on my cell but I have to go’ Edward came to the door with Rosalie behind

‘You can’t just leave, what about your dad, Jacob, us’ Edward started to become mad

‘Look I caused to much drama with everyone, Bella broke up with you because of me and I left something good behind.’ I looked down trying to stay calm

‘If it’s because of what happened please forgive me if anything I should leave’ Edward started pleading ‘you’re my best friend I can’t loose you’ if vampires could cry he probably would right now.

‘Edward I’m not good for anyone okay, I need to go back. Reach me on my cell phone plus I wont be far’ I smirked walking over to my scooter.

Rosalie walked over and gave me a hug telling me to call when I arrived. Jasper did the same but said he would miss me more than human life.Alicehugged me but said that it’s for the best even though she didn’t like me because of the Bella thing.Carlisleand Esme gave me an address to a house they had in a near by area; they knew were I would be going. Emmett hugged goodbye and said not to get into to many fights.

Edward came up last and just said to take care of myself. I drove away with many thoughts going through my mind. I drove past la push seeing a group of woods at the end of the boarder but I didn’t stop to say bye. Jacob tried to get in my head but I blocked it out.

I had to go back home and get back to what I loved, I started becoming soft and week and I didn’t want that.


I arrived at the addressCarlisleand Esme gave me; it was a large home but it would do. It was convenient to get to the gym and matches with ease.

I calledCarlisleand told him I arrived, my dad called him looking for me but said that I need time to myself not giving anything away.

Jacob POV


She left, drove away leaving me in the dust. I hurt her so much but I thought when Bella returned I could fight for her but in that process I left a girl who was my soul mate behind. I hated that she was friends with Edward but I couldn’t control that.

Bella never gave the same feelings back to me, just kept talking about Edward and how he’s hurting her by being with Kora and talking bad about her.

We have smelled the same vampire around, Carlisle said thatAlicehad a vision of newborns which were connected to the killings inSeattle. Our pack had to help so that’s what I would be focusing my time on.


A/N Well I wasn’t expecting to write Kora away but I thought it would be interesting.


What do you think will happen with Kora leaving and the newborns :P



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