Chapter 12- Winner/ Vancouver/ Guilty Frustration

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Chapter 12


‘That’s it the winner is Roberts!’ the ref declared taking my left hand and holding it up to tell the crowd I won.

I walked out the ring and back to my dressing room dripping in sweat. I sat down at the bench taking in breaths

‘Kora that was fantastic, but a bit rusty’ Matt said handing me water

‘You just practice a bit on your high kicks and your set for the finals’ Rick told me patting my sweaty back obviously proud of me.

Matt and Rick are my trainer and manager. It’s been 3 weeks since I got home here. I’ve been focusing everything on my training and matches. I’ve been emailing Jasper and Rosalie my updates and my dad of course.

I hit the showers and got dressed in a tight purple tank, black shorts, and skate shoes. I walked out the stadium with my friend Heather

‘You were amazing out there, everyone missed you when you left’ she smiled giving me a side hugs as we took a seat on my scooter

‘Same here, lets get going back to my place’ I smiled putting a helmet on and riding off.

Edward POV


Don’t get me wrong I missed Kora like crazy but when she left Bella came back and we got back together. I hear that Jacob is still crying over Kora’s departure, I explained to Bella how Kora was and I think she’s taking a liking to her.

The newborns are a week away,Alicehad a vision of the newborn army coming and we didn’t have enough to fight against them. The wolves will be fighting but I know if we had Kora we would be invincible. Carlisle told me she is inVancouver, I plan to go get her and bring her back here; this is her hoe not there.

‘Edward, you alright’ Bella asked beside me, I was lost in thought in the living room discussing things

‘I’m fine just thinking’ I smiled

‘Well as I was saying, who is getting Kora?’Carlislewas asking for the third time.

I felt Bella cringe a bit under my arm

‘I think me, Rosalie, and Jasper should go get her. Were the closest friends she has out of us all’ I spoke looking at Rosalie and Jasper who nodded in agreement

‘Then it’s settled, you leave tomorrow. She’s inVancouver. Living at our old residence’Carlislesmiled walking out of the room.

Kora POV

Heather and I were sitting around watching Push with 2 bags of popcorn and Vodka coolers. The movie came to the credits so I put in Stepbrothers so we could have a laugh or more.

Heather was shifting in her seat and I new something was up; she’s my best friend more like a sister since we grew up together the only human person I have around.

‘Alright what’s wrong’ I asked smirking taking a gulp of my drink

‘Just wondering about something’ she said shifting some more

‘About what, not glad I came back’ I said sarcastically.

‘I’m glad you came, it’s boring half the time with Amanda but why did you leave La Push if you liked it so much there?’ she questioned finishing her first cooler.

I been pondering if I should tell her everything; at least have a normal person to talk to about this stuff. I looked forward at the TV blocking the movie out

‘What if I told you my dads family legends were all true and I’m apart of it. Also that vampires and wolves were real to’ I questioned looking at her.

She looked composed but a bit shocked

‘Tell me more’ she smiled and for an hour I was telling her everything like vampires, Quileute wolves and my being a lynx.

‘So I came back here because the drama there was too much to handle. Please tell me you believe me?’ I pleaded feeling a figurative load being lifted off my shoulders

‘I would see no reason for you to lie to me, and it does explain that huge tattoo on your back and the lynx tattoo on your arm’ she pointed out

‘Thank god’ I smiled giving her a hug

‘Well I want to meet Jacob and kick his ass also punch Bella out’ she giggled in all seriousness

‘I don’t know when I’m going to go back Heather; but remember don’t breathe a word of what I told you to any other human not even Amanda’ I said pointedly

‘Don’t worries it’s yours to tell not mine.’

That night Heather and I watched movies drank pop and coolers and ate at least 6 bags of popcorn.

Jacob POV


3 weeks trying to live, it’s unbearable to say the least. Kora left taking my heart with her. I blame myself for her leaving like she did; my infatuation with Bella has grown out of control. Bella still went back to Edward as soon as Kora left and me still alone as ever.

My pack knows I’ve been out of it always thinking about how Kora is. I text her everyday and call but there is never an answer. Her father won’t tell me were she went saying he knows as much as I do. My dad tries to cheer me up but he knows he can’t, Sam has taken me off of patrol saying I don’t have my head in the game.

I stay outside Kora’s yard every night waiting for her to come back but I know that she won’t. The newborns are coming closer day by day and I will be helping to defend Bella and all my focus will be on that; help protect Bella and kill as much bloodsuckers as possible.

I was sitting in my wolf form when I heard Sam yelling at me in my mind

‘Jake come back to your dads, he’s worried about you’ he said

‘I can’t Sam I need to be alone’ I whimpered

‘Losing your imprint is hard but you have to remember you took her for granted leaving her for Bella’ he yelled. He was just as angry about me ruining everything with her; you could say he thought of Kora as a little sister even though they only talked to each other a couple of times.

‘I know stop reminding me alright!’ I yelled getting up and running through the forest till I hit the Cullen’s.

I changed back to human and put a pair of shorts on. I ran up to the door smelling a sickly sweet smell that made me want to gag my lungs out. Edward came to the door giving me a hard look

‘What are you doing here Jacob’ he asked calmly

‘I know you know were Kora is; tell me’ I growled

He looked at me giving me a subtle look ‘you know I can’t do that, if anything all I can say is she may not come back’ he shut the door and walked away.

I ran back to the forest transforming into my wolf and running with one thought in my mind ‘were is her home at?’

A/N Well I hope you liked having 3 POVs in this chapter




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