Chapter 2- The Bonfire

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Chapter 2


I lifted my self over into my opened window and landed on my back falling over into my room, over the window seat and landed on the floor. I started to moan in pain which Jacob didn’t notice until he jumped into my window and looked down at me

‘Kora are you okay?” he asked kneeling over me

‘Yeah I’m fine just landed…wrong’ I said getting up kind of lazily

‘You don’t look fine’ I plopped myself on the computer chair

‘I am now what do you wanna do’ I said opening up my computer.

I logged onto Facebook and had 10 events invites, 20 friend requests, 5 video tags, and 40 photo tags. The events were mostly local parties around here and some fights coming up; one was down inPort Angeles. I accepted the friend requests, the videos were on my fights. The 40 photo tags were from my recent fight and the after party I attended. I had at least 700 people on my friend list many from school, the gym, the fights I attended, the parties I went to, but they were all acquaintances. Also my training team was on my Facebook and they sent me links to things and told me how to improve my fighting and which ones not to go to.

Jake was laying on my bed reading my car magazine; yes I had an obsessions with cars but I couldn’t own one even though I have my license.

‘So Jacob what do you want to do’ I asked again

‘How about we get to know each other’ he asked putting the magazine down

‘Well I love rock, heavy metal, some up beat stuff. I dress like I’m a grunge rocker as my friends would say. I can run in heals like they were converse. Also I’ve never had a boyfriend’ I said but didn’t know why I blurted out the last part, it’s not like it’s a big deal or anything.

Jacob looked shocked ‘wait you haven’t had a boyfriend not even a kiss’ he said moving to the edge of the bed.

‘Nope, I was never into guys. They distracted me from my fighting’ I moved over beside him

‘Well may I change that’ he asked leaning in

‘Not yet’ I said walking over to my closet to grab an outfit.

Jacob walked over to the window seat and sat there watching me. I picked out my black wool boots, black leggings, and my multiple colored zebra print shirt (yellow and white going down to the bottom half of the shirt), and a black undershirt. I got dressed in the bathroom and came back to my room. I sat down at my white vanity station thing. I put on purple and black eyeliner, black mascara, and cover up foundation; I straightened my hair then curled the bottom half in ringlets.

‘You look beautiful’ I heard Jacob blurt out randomly

‘Thanks, I try’ I said poking him and it turned into a tickle match that let us breathless

‘Lets get going’ I said leaving my window

‘Why don’t we use the door’ Jacob asked coming out the window a second later

‘Well our dads are still in there and my dad doesn’t know I was there, so leave the way I came in’ I said shrugging my shoulders.

We walked down to the beach to find everyone setting up the bonfire. It was acquired when we left my house but Jacob broke the ice a bit

‘So… would you ever date me? He asked

I thought about it for a few minutes. I didn’t know how to answer with out hurting him

‘You would have to do something spontaneous and sexy to get me to say yes’ and I left him hanging as I ran to everyone.

The bonfire was pretty wicked we all played some games and ate some food, plus we had some story telling. I got up and walked over to the water far enough that I couldn’t hear them talk much. I sat at the shore and did some thinking about everything. Why did my dad move here for his heritage? Why did he leave all the time on business? How are imprints actually real? And are all the stories and legends that my dad told me when I was little actually real? Those are the questions that I kept asking myself. If an animal spirit took me then what would I be. I don’t want my life to change that much, did I? Jacob was everything I wanted in a boyfriend, but it was only because he was my imprint the gods showed as my “soul-mate” so should me embrace it or run.

I was pondering all this when Sam walked over and sat beside me in silence for a bit. I decided to ask him one thing

‘Sam, should I be with Jacob?’ I asked looking over the water

‘Well he’s your imprint and also you guys would feel lost without each other, but I can’t tell you what you should do, just follow what your heart tells you’ he said patting my shoulder.

I still sat there when Sam walked back to everyone. Jacob cam a bit later but by this time I laid down on the sand with my eyes closed. I think Jacob thought I was sleeping because he was talking to me but also to himself which made me decide my decision

‘You look so peaceful there. I know your sleeping so I’ll say this now. When I first seen you I wanted to know you but when you looked at me and I imprinted on you, I couldn’t be more happy. I want to know everything about you and how you tick. Even though you’re my imprint and that’s why were so drawn to each other I want you to pick me because you want to and nothing else.’ He finished kissing my forehead.

 I heard him walking away so I decided to get up. After what he said I knew that I wanted the same thing he wanted; to get to know him and know how he ticks. I started walking back to my house yelling a goodbye.

I walked into my house to find my dad cooking some food for him. I walked into the kitchen. I walked over to stool and leaned on it

‘How was your time with Billy?” I said taping my fingers

‘Good were invited to a council meeting if you’d like to go’ Jacob will be there’ he said winking

‘I’ll think about it’ I said smirking.

My dad handed me a bowl of fruit salad and I dug in

‘Can I ask you something’ I said looking over to him nervously

‘What’s up kiddo’ he said standing beside me stroking my hair

‘Tell me everything on our heritage and….are they all true’ I asked looking up at him


A/N Yay! My first cliff hanger kind of thing. Hope you liked it





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