Chapter 20- Broken

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Chapter 20


It’s been days since Jacob left; I was broken without him. I know that sounds really cheesy and girly but it’s true. My birthday has passed nobody but Heather, Edward and my dad remembered and that’s fine. I’ve been hiding in my room crying and sleeping I’ve been watching movies and listening to music not letting anyone in my room.

It’s bee a week now and I haven’t eaten much of anything ‘knock…knock…knock’ great this has been the 10th time the door’s been knocked on

‘What you want’ I asked

‘It’s Edward can you let me in’ he said, this is the first that he’s been here

‘I’m…sick I don’t want to get anyone else infected’ I lied knowing that he wouldn’t catch anything

‘Look Kora I’m coming in whether you like it or not’ he said and the next thing I heard the door being knocked down; literally.

I jumped up on my feet and eyed Edward with my death glare

‘You know you didn’t have to bash the door down right’ I said dryly

‘Yes I did because people tell me that you haven’t come out since he left’ he said crossing his arms ‘I know your hurting I know what your going threw but you have to know that it’ll get better he’s going to come back’ he said coming over to me

‘It won’t I know how Jake works he won’t come back’ I said sitting on my window seat looking out on the usual rainy day.

Edward came over and leaned on the wall

‘You have to get out and go somewhere’ he said

‘Yeah like where?’ I asked in an icy tone

‘Getting your sizing for the dressAliceis making you’ he said with his crooked smile

‘Whatever’ I said getting up and going over to the closet grabbing my baseball shirt, ripped jeans, and black ankle boots.

Edward walked out the room so I could get dress which I did but when he put the door back I dropped to the floor crying all over again like last night.



I left Kora alone to get ready but I heard her cry like she did before. I’ve come to check up on her every night and heard her cry tears over that stupid mutt; I truly hated seeing my very best friend like this. She looks so weak and fragile like Bella does but the thing is Kora is a strong girl.

I walked into the kitchen to see Heather with a cup of cocoa

‘How is she?’ Heather asked in a worried voice

‘Crying but I’m taking her to get her dress fitted for the wedding’ I answered taking a seat

‘’She’s doing that everyday I can hear it in my room. She’s my best friend and I’ve never seen her cry; every’ she said frustrated now

‘Well imprints are a strong bond so there is no doubt that she’s feeling pain with her other half being gone’ I said

‘She wasn’t like this when she left toVancouverthe first time around’ Heather said

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