Chapter 14- Coming Home

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Chapter 14

I made it back to my place with Heather, I was tired and what not so I grabbed my bag

‘I didn’t notice before but you look really beat up’ Heather smirked poking my arm, I smacked her finger away

‘No really dude, I just fought some ugly chick’ I laughed and Heather did the same.

I walked up to the door and could smell blood “WTF!” I thought putting the key into the lock and unlocked the door

‘Heather say out here’ I whispered to her

‘No why’ she asked confused, I pointed to my nose telling her what I smelled

‘I’m still coming in with you Kor I don’t care’ she half yelled/whispered

‘Fine but if you’re hurt yell for me’ I said sternly.

I walked in and turned the lights on, Edward, Rosalie, and Jasper sat on the couch staring

‘What the hell are you doing here?!’ I yelled throwing the keys in the glass dish by the door

‘We need to talk with you, who is this’ Rosalie asked and sneered the last part

‘Don’t worry she knows everything’ I said throwing my gym bag on the stairs ‘now tell me why you guys are here and maybe I won’t run out’ I said crossing my arms.

‘You have to come back Kora remember the army of newborns, well there coming and we can’t stop them without your help’ Jasper said making me calm

‘What else’ I asked taking a seat, Edward, Rosalie, and Jasper were all standing now

‘Don’t you miss Jake?’ Edward asked

‘Why do I have to’ I asked in a cold voice

‘Jacob is hurting without you Kora, you don’t have to stay but please come help us’ he said taking a seat beside me ‘everyone misses you’ he finished

‘I don’t know this is my home you guys not Forks’ I said to everyone

‘The hell it isn’t! Kora Forks is your new home, new life yes you grew up in Vancouver but now Forks is so suck it up and help us!’ Rosalie yelled angrily at me

‘Well I like my old life, I was strong and now I’m weak. I got actual damage from my fight today!’ I yelled standing up going to the door

‘If you love Jacob and your father you’ll go back’ Heather finally spoke up ‘I know you love him Kor and if it makes anything better I’ll go back with you’ I turned to see her smiling and Edward doing the same

‘If I say no’ I asked walking to the stairs now

‘Than will call all our friends and tell them you love Justin Bieber’ she smirked as I shuddered at the thought

‘Fine I’ll go just let me pack’ I said running up to stairs.

I came down stairs to see 5 bags at the door

‘Heather went to go pack when you went upstairs’ Edward answered reading my mind

‘Alright well let’s get going’ I said going out the door.

I left my scooter at the house since apparently vampire driving is way faster.

‘So what’s Forks like?’ Heather asked I was sitting between Heather and Rosalie in the back seat

‘Alright I guess’ I shrugged looking out the window, the phone started ringing and Edward answered. I couldn’t hear what was going on but I seen us enteringPort Angeles. He hung up and started to drive faster

‘What’s wrong?’ I asked

‘Let’s see when we get there where dropping Heather off with Esme andCarlisle. Kora and I will be going onto a mountain clearing to meet with Bella, Seth, and Jacob’ he spoke quickly

‘Don’t worry Kora you can be in your lynx form the whole time’ he said as we entered Forks

‘Great but I rather fight vampires than be on a mountain with Jacob’ I snarled seeing Heather smirk

‘Will I be safe’ she asked nervously

‘Don’t worry Heather there not after you just Bella’ Jasper said and used his power to make Heather calm.

We arrived at the Cullen’s to see them all outside, I got out the car with Heather and the others

‘Kora welcome back’Carlislesaid nodding, Esme gave me a hug.

‘I’m just here to help’ I smiled ‘this is my best friend Heather’ I introduced

‘Hi’ she said sticking her hand up in a “hello” gesture

‘Welcome back fighter’ Emmett said giving me a bear hug

‘Yeah bro’ I said as he set me down.

‘Carlisle Heather will stay here then we can go to the fight’ Edward said

‘Of course’Carlislenodded bringing Heather inside

‘Alright lets go’ Edward said and we all followed to the clearing.

‘Edward I’m going in lynx form, I may pop in were you are but I’m hiding so nobody but you can see me or more like hear me’ I said

‘That’s fine’ he said

I changed into my lynx and started to run with the Cullen’s.


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