Chapter 21- For The Heart She Once Had

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Chapter 21




It’s been two days and no turn around; Heather and Monti are here to watch over her and even Embry is here mostly because he doesn’t trust us vampires. I’ve been reading Kora’s mind and she’s in a world were she doesn’t know what’s going on.Carlislesaid she’s broken…only half her heart is beating and she looks like pale and dieing.Carlislehas taken tests it also seems that food is just going straight through her not getting anything out of it.

Bella has been worrying about me; the wedding is coming up and I’m not paying much attention to it. I want to get married to Bella she’s my life but my best friend is basically dying here.

‘Edward when do you think Kora is going to wake up?’ Heather asked coming into the room were Kora is

‘I don’t know she’s in her own world’ I said walking out the room and to everyone else

‘Edward I’m post poning the wedding till we can get Kora to wake up’ Bella said quickly and I looked at her confused

‘She will wake up by than’ I said going over and giving Bella a hug

‘You don’t know that and the wedding is in only a few days so I’m telling everyone that its post pone’ she said

‘FineAlicewill do it’ I said andAlicecomplied and left the room with Jasper following

‘I think I should call the elder of our family to get him to help us’ Monti spoke up from the corner of the room were he stood

‘That would be good’ I said and Monti than left the room.

I was freaking out I’ll admit that because nothing was going as planned and Jacob is gone without a trace. We have been trying to call Jacob’s cell to let him know what’s going on and that he needs to be here for her no matter what was happening.



I was running for days and I ended up inVancouver; I left my phone at my house so I didn’t need to know anything back home, I just didn’t want to. I’ve been missing Kora like crazy I feel like my other half is missing. I felt like something was wrong but I shrugged it off.

I’ve been wandering aroundVancouverand doing tourist things. I know that the wedding is in a few days and I don’t know If ill go say good bye to Bella for the last time. She’s my best friends but I don’t want this for her.

I was just wandering the Metro inBurnabyand spotted a jewelry store that had necklace of a lynx and wolf on it. I walked into the store and bought the necklace; I would give it to Kora since her birthday just past and it’s a cold winter night.

I was actually staying in the forest in my wolf just feeling free of a lot of things. I loved that girl so damn much and I was just a chicken running away Kora was the one I wanted and if Bella was getting married than so be it because I love my imprint forever and always.



I had to go out and grab some groceries for the house since most of the food was gone. I left the Cullen’s with heavy worry in my mind

‘Baby are you sure you don’t want me to help you shop?’ Embry asked me; he was being so sweet to me I loved him he was all mine, my imprint it was magic but not lately

‘Its fine I won’t be long I have my cell so I can talk to you alright, I love you’ I said kissing his lips that still makes me feel light headed.

I was in the grocery store and just finished shopping. I walked back to Kora’s car which I borrowed

‘Excuse me do you happen to know what time the store closes’ I heard a man say and I turned around to see a pale guy smiling

‘It’s closing in 2 hours’ I said and went to the car door

‘You smell good maybe just maybe’ I heard him in my ear than I blacked out.



‘Edward how long has Heather been gone’ Esme asked worried and everyone else was to

‘She was supposed be back at the house in an hour’ Embry said pacing in anger

‘It’s been 3 hours she might be in trouble’ Esme said dialing the phone

‘Carlisle Jasper, Emmett, Embry and I will go out to the store and look for her’ I said and we all headed out vampire speed.

We got to the store and nobody’s car was around except Kora’s I started smelling the air and spotted Heathers scent it was behind the store

‘You guys in the back’ I yelled and ran over.

I couldn’t see anything but a garbage can so I kept following Heathers scent all the way to the garbage can. Emmett went in and grabbed Heather out of it and I could see vampire bite marks on her neck and I rushed over to check on her

‘She’s in transition she’s changing’Carlislesaid

‘Wait so my girlfriend is turning into a bloodsucker to!’ Embry exclaimed

‘Just calm down alright its going to be okay’ I said going to Embry

‘No it’s not I can’t be here’ he said and ran off

‘He’s hurt’ Emmett said

‘No really brother’ I said and we brought Heather back home.

I could believe it Heather would be one of us; Kora could have had one normal person in her life and it was ruined but the thing is who turned her.

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