Chapter 18- Surprise

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Chapter 18


It’s been a couple days since I’ve talked to any of the Cullen’s and also a couple of days since I’ve talked to Jacob. Heather’s parents have just finished moving everything down here; everything is set up in her new room and all she’s been doing is hanging out with Embry either here at the house or at Sam’s.

It’s late after noon and I’m lying on the couch in pajamas watching Criminal Minds. It’s my favorite show plus I’ve been feeling crappy all day so why not watch some crime drama. I heard the door open; I looked to see my dad walk in with some letters

‘What are those?’ I asked as he put his jacket away

‘Just some letter’s for you from family’ he answered throwing them at me ‘I’ll be taking a business trip to Detroit for a couple weeks so I’m putting $300 in your account so you and Heather can get food’ he spoke from the kitchen

‘Awesome’ I said dryly picking up the letters.

I read each one and they were all birthday cards from the family and friends. My birthday was in a few days; I’m turning 17 it’s not a big deal but I always appreciate people remembering it from time to time. I always wear my Jimi Hendrix shirt every year since he has the same birthday as me.

I walked into the kitchen to grab an oatmeal bar when I heard the door being knocked on. I walked over, opened it to reveal Monti my crazy butt cousin

‘Hey cousin long time no see!’ he yelled taking me in a hug

‘Same here; what are you doing down here?’ I asked letting him in

‘Well there’s this thing coming up for my favorite person and it only happens once a year’ he said in a teasing voice

‘My birthday?’ I questioned knowing what he was meaning

‘No I’m here for your friend Heather’ he said seriously

‘Sure’ I said rolling my eyes taking a seat on my couch.

I felt Monti sit down beside me; I looked to see him watching the T.V

‘So you’re here to celebrate my birthday?’ I asked making conversation

‘I needed to get away from the family so I decided to take a trip down here and plus I didn’t know what to send for your present so here I am’ he said cockily

‘You didn’t have to do that’ I said feeling embarrassed that he would make such a long trip down here for just one day

‘So I heard you have your best friend here?’ he said changing subject

‘Yeah Heather’ I said sitting back eating my oatmeal bar.

For the next few hours I just chilled with Monti watching television and talking. The door opened again to reveal Embry and Heather walking in oblivious to everything

‘Yo Heather this is Monti my cousin!’ I yelled down the hall.

Heather walked back out and looked at Monti eyeing

‘Hi nice to meet you’ she said

‘You to I heard a lot about you; so you’re my cousin’s best friend’ he said

‘One and only; Sorry but I have to get back to my room’ she said walking back down the hall

‘So her and that guy are imprinted‘ he asked taking a seat again

‘Yup then the next thing you know your going to hear them fucking in the room’ I said laughing at the disturbing thought

‘Gross Kora just gross’ he said disapproving

‘Like you weren’t thinking the same thing’ I said crossing my arms

‘I admit to nothing’ he said.

That night it was boring nothing exciting happened like usual but what ever.

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