Rough landing

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Everyone surged forward through the door of the ship like a tied let loose, shouting, cheering and running in every direction, avoiding the smoking trees and burnt branches that had been felled by their landing.

Bellamy came up to Octavia and gave her a one armed hug before being swept away by the flow of 100 prisoners rushing to freedom.

The little girl made her way down the ladder and stood at the entrance of the ship, overlooking the view.

The ground is survivable, was the first thing that came to mind, she couldn't help but feel that this is all to good  too be true, the harsh wind snipping at her exposed flesh gave her an unfamiliar feeling, so this is what real wind felt like, her mind was processing every detailed her sight gifted to her, lost in thought, she bathed in the opportunity presented to her.

John Murphy was the first to notice her, giving her a puzzled look as the sun reflected off her golden brown hair that flickered, scrapping against her hips, she was gifted with high cheek bones, defined jaw line and plump rosy pink lips, she was short in compariosn to all the other girls but it was her eyes that set him off, steal blue that could be confused with being green was some what cold, unwavering, something about her present threw him off.

She was quiet a beauty although she looked no older then twelve, a beauty that he doesn't recognize ever seeing on the Ark, much less the skybox.

"That girl on the drop ship. Tell me about her." He demanded towards a bypasser, curiosity getting the best of him.

"Dude. She's way to young if that's what your thinking." The bypasser joked walking off, Murphy turn back towards the girl only to find her gone.

"Where the hell did she go?" He thought, scanning the area.

The little girl climb up the nearest tree with ease, the feeling of the wind picking her up as she weaved through the branches effortlessly gave her a sense of freedom, finding it rather easy as if she was dancing.

The blood in her veins pulsed as her finger tips grazed against each branch till she halted into place when she started hearing voices.

"Why so serious, Princess?" Finn said coming up behind Clark. "It's not like we died in a fiery explosion."

"Try telling that to the two guys who tried to follow you out of their seats," Clarke said, still reading the map.

"You don't like to be called 'Princess', do you Princess?"

"You see that peak over there?" Clarke asked impatiently, pointing to a mountain in the distance on the other side of the ridge.


"Mount Weather," Clarke explained. "There's a radiation soaked forest between us and our next meal. They dropped us on the wrong damn mountain!"

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