The Glow in the Dark Forest

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Clarke Hunt:

After the incident at the river the group retreated back into the shelter of the trees to settle down for the night.

They would come up with a plan to get across the river in the morning till then, they found a patch of soft, thick moss to sleep in for the night and quickly fell asleep after a long exhausting day.

Clarke was lying on her back using her pack as a pillow when something roused her from her sleep.

She opened her eyes and was confused by the soft glowing light around her. As she sat up her mouth dropped open in wonder.

The forest around them looked like it was glowing! Bluish-green light was coming from the bushes, the moss growing on the tree bark, even the moss and grass that they were lying in.

Clarke looked around at the others. Monty had his head resting on a tree root; Jasper was leaning against the trunk of a tree with Octavia beside him, her head on his shoulder.

Clarke smiled lightly; they were all still fast asleep until something felt off, looking around again she noticed that Finn was missing, her stomach clenched as panic swelled up inside her.

Clarke not wanting the others to panic or deprived them of their sleep, she got up to look for Finn herself.

She wouldn't go too far from the group; she could call out if she needed help. Honestly, she really wanted to see more of the glowing forest.

As Clarke walked through the forest she couldn't stop smiling. This whole place was incredible. Looking up, she saw that the tops of the trees were in shadows, but lower down everything was illuminated.

Clarke stopped to look at a patch of wild mushrooms glowing in various shades of blue and green. The glow cast a rainbow of muted colour over her face.

"Pretty cool, huh?" Finn said sneaking up behind her.

Clarke jumped and turned to look at him and saw that he was holding a big leaf folded to serve as a cup, with water in it. "Did you go to the river?"

"I figured it was worth losing a few fingers." Came his reply.

Clarke gratefully accepted the leaf cup when Finn handed it to her and drank down the water.

"You think this means we're all gonna grow two heads?" he joked, drawing a laugh from Clarke.

"What do you know, she can laugh. Come on, you have to see this."

Finn led her over to where the ground was dirt instead of moss and knelt down, pointing out some tracks in the dirt. "That's a toe, and near as I can tell, whatever it is, it's walking on two feet. My guess, monkeys."

Clarke laughed again. "I'm sorry. It's just that according to everything I've read there were no bipedal animals anywhere near here, certainly not monkeys."

"Really," said Finn. "Did you read anything about glow in the dark forests or giant man-eating snakes? A lot can change in a hundred years."

"All right, fair enough." said Clarke, he does have a point.

After adventuring around and laughing it started to get cold and late.

"We should head back to the group before they wake up to find us missing." Finn nodded in understanding and followed Clarke back to the others.

Clarke and Finn safely made it back and settle down at their previous spot and after a while they started to drift off back to sleep.

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