The Privileged

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Wells came out of the drop ship where he had been checking out the communications system, and the few supplies that had been sent with them.

"We got a problem." said Wells. "The communications system is dead. I went up to the roof, a dozen panels are missing. Heat fried the wires."

The announcement snap Clark out of her concentration, looking up.

"I checked the supplies packed in the third level. There are some tents, blankets, backpacks with rope, flashlights and some other camping gear, but no food, water or medical supplies."

"When the Chancellor said he sent us with nothing, he meant it." A thick russian accent spoke up, startling the two.

"Who are you? How old are you?" Wells fired out questions in alarm, a bit take back by her appearance.

"Look. All that matters right now is getting to Mount Weather. Here," said Clarke showing them the rout on the map. "This is us, and this is where we need to get to if we want to survive."

"Where did you learn to do that?" Wells asked. Clarke tensed up at the sudden question.

"Your father," Wells answered regretfully.

They were distracted from the sudden tension by a pale-skinned boy wearing goggles pushed up on his forehead who wondered over to see what they were doing.

"Cool, a map," he said looking between Clarke and Wells. "They got a bar in this town? I'll buy you a drink," he joked.

Wells took his arm and pushed him back a few steps, "Do you mind?"

"Hey," a new voice called out. Wells turned to see a group of boys walking up led by a slim boy with brown hair and an unpleasant look on his face. "Hands off of him, he's with us."

"Relax," Wells said turning to face them. "We're just trying to figure out where we are."

"We're on the ground. That not good enough for you?" Bellamy demanded, coming up with his sister.

Clark search for the little girl that was standing next to her not that long ago only to find her gone without a sound, after a minute of scanning she focused her attention back at the situation at hand.

She knew a fight was about to break out, Especially when she saw who was leading the other group: John Murphy and John Mbege. Both of them arrested for violent crimes, both deserved to be locked up, and both of them idiots who didn't know how to think past their fists.

"We need to find Mount Weather," Wells explained. "You heard my father's message. That has to be our first priority."

"Screw your father," Octavia said. "What? you think you're in charge here? You and your little princess." She added looking at Clarke with a snicker.

"Do you think we care who's in charge?"

"We need to find Mount Weather," Clarke intervened, "not because the Chancellor said so, but because the longer we wait the hungrier we'll get and the harder this will be. How long do you think we'll last without those supplies? We're looking at a twenty mile trek, Ok. So if we want to get there before dark we need to leave, now."

"I've got a better idea," Bellamy said. "You three go, find it for us. Let the privileged do the hard work for a change."

"Yeah," several voices in the gathering crowd agreed.

"You're not listening. We all need to go!" said Wells.

"Oh, look at this everybody, The Chancellor of Earth," Murphy said, pushing Wells.

"You think that's funny?" said Wells.

Murphy pushed him again, tripping his leg so that Wells fell to the ground, his ankle sprained. "No, but that was," Murphy said, while people in the crowd laughed.

"Wells!" Clarke cried out, moving forward to help him but Mbege held her back.

Wells had gotten back to his feet, but was limping. Still he raised his fists ready to fight when Murphy stepped forward to challenge him again.

Most of the former prisoners were watching now and started chanting.

"Come on, get him!"

"Back off Murphy"

"Fight! Fight!"

"What you gonna do now Wells?"

Just then, Finn jumped down from a ledge on the drop ship where he had been watching, and landed between Wells and Murphy.

The crowd went quiet. "Kid's got one leg," he said to Murphy. "Why don't you wait until it's a fair fight?"

Murphy and Finn stared each other down until Octavia walked up to Finn. "Hey Spacewalker," she said with a flirtatious smile, "Rescue me next."

Finn smiled, the tension broke, and the crowd laughed and started to disperse.

Clarke rushed over to Wells to help him back over to the ramp. Murphy, Mbege and the rest of their group walked off. Bellamy came over to Octavia and looked at her incredulously.

"What?" she asked. "He's cute."

"He's a criminal."

"They're all criminals."

Bellamy took her arm and started leading her away from the people still milling around. "Look O, I came down here to protect you."

"I don't need protecting!" she said pulling her arm away. "I have been locked up, one way or another, all my life. I am done following orders!" Octavia looked at her brother imploringly. "I need to have fun Bell. I need to something crazy, just because I can. And no one, including you, is gonna stop me."

"I can't stay with them O," Bellamy said quietly, nodding towards the group.

"Now what are you talking about?"

The little girl watch in silence as everything played out from the top of the drop ship, no one spotted her yet and was surprise that not even Finn noticed when he was just inches away from her.

Her sight was set on Bellamy as he provoke and sway the crowd with his speech about the privileged doing the hard work, she could feel the panick in his voice when it crack slightly making her frown.

She watched as he pulled Octavia away from the crowd and followed them secretly, jumping down and blended in with the 100.

Bellamy looked around, and then led Octavia further away from the group so that they would not be overheard.

"I did something, to get on the drop ship. Something that they will kill me for when they come down."

Octavia looked at him, worried, "What did you do?"

"I can't say what just yet but I need you to trust me. You do still trust me don't you?"

Bellamy and Octavia looked at each other, the only brother and sister on the Ark, and now on the ground. All they'd ever really had was each other.

"Yeah, I trust you."

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