Now, she sees you.

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Bellamy and the other's did a quick study over the forest for Murphy, only to come up short, he was no where in sight, he made no noise or announcement on where he was headed off too, Clarke on the other hand, didn't dwell on the thought before she got moving, her top priority was tending to Jasper, then Murphy.

Although she and Murphy started off on the wrong foot, he was still part of the ark, whether she liked it or not, there is a threat out there and she needs to protect them for as long as possible till the rest of the people of the ark comes down.

"We need to cut Jasper down and get him back to the drop ship, Murphy can wait." Clarke stated, feeling agitated and hostile as she watched her footing, to get too Jasper.

"Murphy is still out there, princess." Bellamy argued, blocking Clarke's movements as he backed her up against the log of the tree, he needed Murphy, he is a part of his plan in taking over the camp.

"Bellamy, back off." Finn approached, aiding to Clarke's defense as he grip his shoulder's in warning.

Bellamy brushed off his hand, and smirked coldly in Clarke's direction, there was something about Clarke that he couldn't place his fingers on, she is trouble, she has the aid of Monty, Finn, Well's and Jasper, that is just enough men to cause him a headache.

He needed a plan of some sort to get Clarke to remove her bracelet, but the stubborn nature of hers and the support of the other's, made it impossible, he couldn't touch her, which only added fuel to the fire.

Not too long after, an idea hit him like a ton of bricks, he would have to use the others emotions to his advantage, and Wells was the perfect subject for it.

Clarke watched as a grin itched onto his face as he stared her down, a cocky expression smeared all over his features.

The sudden change in his attitude, startled Clarke for a split second and the first thing that came to mind is wiping that sick smirk off his face, if it wasn't for the fact that she has more important matters to deal with at hand she would have obliged to her thoughts, but now is not the time for it.

However, it didn't stop her from making a mental note to watch her self around Bellamy, there is obviously more to him then meets the eye, and she is willing to dig deep too find out.

Wells could feel the tension between the three that was going to escalate rapidly, if he doesn't do or say anything to break it up.

Noticing something move from the corner of his eye, Finn adjusted his attention towards Wells as he moved, standing next to Clarke as he bared his shoulders.


He spoke up without thinking as he didn't plan this far ahead as he stood his ground, Finn knew all to well, that something serious happened between them and as a result, destroyed their relationship.

"We need to get Jasper and get the hell out of here before the grounders come back for him."

Wells could feel the shift of attitude fall on him, putting him on the spot, if it wasn't for the need of protecting Clarke and valuing their bond they once had and his wish to reconnect, he would have chocked from the sudden attention he got.

Mustering up the courage, he cleared his throat to continue, but before he could get the next word out, someone else beat him to it.

"We don't take orders from a crippled."

The sound of Murphy's voice, brought everyone's attention, Bellamy in particular, as he was thankful for the assistance and backing of his man power, at least now, Bellamy didn't feel cornered.

Still feeling a little bitter about what was going to take place if he hadn't shown up, Murphy owed him an explanation.

"Where the hell did you run off too?" Bellamy questioned, curious.

"Now is not the time for this." Clarke snapped, a little annoyed, she began to untie the vines strapped tightly around Jaspers body, trying to pry him down.

"Bellamy, you and Murphy help carry him to the drop ship and Wells, you and Finn, scout ahead, who knows if the grounders will be back in any minute, hurry."

Bellamy and Murphy complied unwillingly, as Jasper groans worsened, they needed to make sure Jasper comes back alive to win the favor of those at camp, Clarke knew this.

Both Wells and Finn hesitated to leave Clarke until both Bellamy and Murphy moved and do as they were told, but one glare from Clarke set them off, she can take care of herself, she is more then capable.

"Where were you, Murphy?" Bellamy questioned again silently, he couldn't afford to have him disappear like that, in sink the two stepped together towards Jaspers body, before Murphy could invade his question, a loud animalistic like growl was heard, startling the others.

"What the hell is that?" Murphy called out, surprised as his eyes wondered all over the place.

"Bellamy, this is a good time to use that gun of yours." Clarke advised, alarmed as rustles could be seen amongst the tall grass and bushes.

With each passing second that went by, the sound became more vivid and louder from all direction, it didn't help the movements of the others haste phase of moving around, which resulted in the twigs beneath their foot to snap under pressure, making it harder for the others to pin point where the sound is coming from.

By this point, everyone's senses heighten, alarmed and alerted as they all searched for the source, the sound of their heart beats banging into their ear drum, clouded their judgement, putting them off focus.

"Bellamy." Clarke's voice started rising as her body fidget, her eyes darted restlessly, locating the source, she could hear the sound beginning to close in on them as she stood a foot behind Bellamy.

"Bellamy, Now!" she belted just as a black jaguar leaped into the air, aiming for his throat.

Bellamy quickly armed his self with his gun, only to come up empty handed, his gun was missing, eyes wide at the realization dawned on him.

Ducking for cover, a loud shot was fired, echoing throughout the forest, making him flinch at the sudden unexpected noise as a response, looking back at Wells.

All four stared at Wells in mixed emotions, as he stood tall, his breath heavy as he stared down at the dead jaguar he had killed with starry eyes.

Bellamy stood in shock, before nodding in acknowledgement, calming his heart beat as he voiced his thoughts.

"Now she sees you."


I would like to dedicate this chapter to all my lovely followers and supporters who have been there to continuenly vote and leave lovely comments on my chapters, and to apolagies for the slow updates.

Honestly, the comments left on my last chapter helped inspire me to continue this book as i felt their wasn't enough people interested in this kind of plot (story line), but you all proved me wrong- so i am truely sorry.

I will try my best to update as much as possible for you guys!

I do read all my comments left on my chapters so don't be shy to leave some cool ideas, and yes, i have started working on the next chapter and YES it's a Rhea chapter, thats all the hint i am giving you :P

* And to those i have left a reply on my last chapter, the chapter was fully uploaded and my phone was just playing tricks on me.

I hope you all enjoy this chapter!

- S

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