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"Where the hell do you think you're going, Murphy?" Bellamy asked, gripping onto his shoulder's, preventing him from leaving.

"Look." Murphy scoff, shrugging off his hold. "I never intended to be in the rescuing business with you and little Miss Privileged over here."

He regarded Clarke coldly with distaste, his temper flaring, Bellamy could sense Murphy's annoyance and hostility towards Clarke, that could be of use to his advantage.

"I thought that we are the leader's and they, should be listening to us, not the other way around," Murphy announced, with a look of indifference as he scanned Bellamy's suddenly serious expression.

"We have to endured it." Bellamy stated sharply, coming up with an idea in his head to persuade Murphy quickly.

"Clarke publicly challenged our Authority in front of the Camp, that's why we are here in the first place... when we get back, we will get rid of her, if it comes down to it, for good."

Bellamy needed Murphy on his side, his short temper and his passive nature is the perfect candidate for his plan in order for it to work, if he could get two people who are convicted on his side, that hates authority and has a vendetta against The Ark, that could aid him in taking control over the whole camp, works in his favour as his main objective is to make sure The Ark doesn't follow them to the ground, at any cost.

Murphy nodded towards Bellamy after a while, his fist clenched, "Alright, let's just get this over and done with."

"Jasper?" Clarke's concerned voice belted, capturing their attention, "What the hell is this?" Bellamy questions, voicing out Murphy's thoughts as he was a step behind Clarke.

Taking in Jaspers condition, he was strapped to the trunk of the tree branches, bloodied and bruised, in the middle of the meadow as he groaned out in agony, his vision dazed.

Bellamy went on ahead mimicking Clarke's movements while Murphy stayed behind as a look out, as well as Finn and Wells who strayed behind as they watched out for Clarke from a far as they covered more ground to make sure this was no ambush as this was to convenient.

Bellamy slowed his pace as Clarke moved in front of him to take the lead as her main focuses was to get Jasper back to the Camp and to treat his wounds, she was too consumed in her thoughts that out of nowhere her feet caved beneath her as she felt a sudden force, without realizing her hands clutched tightly around Bellamy's out stretched hand out of instinct.

Clarke's gaze swept over Bellamy's as she couldn't feel the earths ground beneath her feet, stating that she fell in a deep hole, she couldn't figure out what possessed her to latch onto Bellamy's hand nor figure out what Bellamy's motives were when he caught her, even he, had trouble answering that question as his eyes flickered from hers to the pit beneath her.

This was his chance, he could have killed her and it would have solved his problem but he couldn't bring himself to do it nor did he have enough time to decide as voices could be heard closing in on them.

"Clarke!" Finn and Wells called out to Bellamy, hurriedly, storming over to grip at Clarke's wrist and to help pull her up.

"Are you okay?" Wells asked, Clarke breathed heavily as she stood up straight, avoiding the question and Bellamy's stare.

"We need to get Jasper back to the drop ship," she stated, looking around, she noticed someone is missing, "Where's Murphy?"


I would Love to thank and dedicate this chapter too @SDBCunique :)

Thank you for everyone who voted for my chapters, commented lovely reviews and followed me, Don't be shy to inbox me any Ideas of how to improve or what you would like to happen in the story as I only update when I have an Idea!!

I'm so sorry for updating a day late but I've recently caught the cold and wasnt feeling too good but decided to update and not wait till the weekend when i feel better since most of you guys been asking me when the next chapter is coming out :P

follow me if you like if you want to be kept updated on when the next chapter will be released, Have a beautiful day/night xxx

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