Prisoner 198 part 2

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"W-what's in it? Why am I here? Who are you?" Her voice stuttered as she curled up in a ball, on the verge of tears. "I want to go home."

Lincoln and Klous was dumbfounded at this response, is this some sort of joke?

Overcomimg the shock, Lincoln felt his heart grow heavy as he had been wrong about her, she's just a scared little girl.

He didn't plan this far ahead and knew he was being reckless, he was fully convince she was somehow different, not like the others he had in counter before. He was wrong.

(This is bullshit!) Klous was the first to break the silence. (We should have taken her back to the tribe and told the others.)

Klous couldn't calm down, ever since birth he was told that sky people we're dangerous and not to be trusted.

He lived by that oath, he only agreed to let her rot in that cave chained to only interrogate her in the first place...not to come up short and find her not to be what he had been expecting, was complete and utterly madness.

Lincoln ignored his comment and proceed to attend to the little girl.

"Drink. You have poison in your system."

The little girl watched the display between the two and smiled inwardly. She had to play this out right in order for this to work.

She wanted to find out everything she can from these two and what she had seen so far, it looked like it was a piece of cake.

Getting back in character she edged forward timidly as for added affect, she looked towards Klous abit frighten.

"Thank you." A mumbled was heard softly in a rich accent.

Klous who stood in the far corner, blocking the entrance was startled, finally realizing her accent but as soon as it came it went.

"What is your name?"

The question made her jump up in surprise, almost making her choke on the ointment before turning away and looking down at her feet genuinely embarrassed.

Since she could remember she was known as prisoner one ninety eight, they never did give her a name till this day therefore she couldn't answer.

The look on her face said it all.

(She doesn't have a name?!) Klous raged, Lincoln couldn't help but lose his composure.

They both didn't know how to think about this and ponder for a bit, taking it all in.

(She's lying.) Klous accused, coming up with the only logical answer. (We should turn her in, the others would know what to do with her before we dig our own graves.)

Lincoln didn't budge, he had a gut feeling that this girl is important.

(We can not do that.) He replied shaking his head. (If we we're to turn her in, we would already be dead, she knows that we can speak English.)

"Well isn't that just perfect." Klous spoke, no longer speaking in his native tounge as he glared at the little girl, he was on his wits end.

"Whats your name or I will cut you where you stand."

"I- I just want to go back to the camp." She stuttered, covering her eyes, making the chains rattled.

Klous marched his way to her, yanking her up to her feet with his hands around her neck.

"You got to do better then that, if you want to lie to me little doll."

She stared wide eye, stunned but she couldn't let her act drop. Hes planning something, she could feel it.

"I swear! I-i don't have a name."

(Klous! look at her. She's telling the truth.)

"Goddamn it." He drop her after carefully inspecting her, punching the wall. (What about her people? They could be searching for her as we speak.)

(We have no choice but to move to a different location, we didnt get anything out of her yet.)

(What if Anya finds out? How are we going to explain that we have a prisoner she wasn't inform of?)

After listening to their conversation she decided she had to be willing to cooperate to get what she wanted.

She remember back in the Ark when they first started using her as a test subjected they would always bring a book or two for her to read.

Her favorite was 'Rhea' in myth, Rhea was the wife of the Titan Kronos and Queen of heaven.

When her husband heard a prophecy that he would be deposed by one of his children, he took to swallowing each of them as soon as they were born.

But Rhea bore her youngest, Zeus, in secret and hid him away in a cave in Krete guarded by shield-clashing Kouretes.

In his stead she presented Kronos with a stone wrapped in swaddling clothes which he promptly devoured.

She admired her courage and bravery, she never felt that kind of love before and longed for it.

Without thinking she blurted out the first thing that came to mind.

"Rhea. My's Rhea."

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