Bellamys Reasons

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Wells was resting against a large tree root that protruded out of the ground, he couldn't sleep; he was too busy going over the day's events in his head.

If Bellamy got his way, the people on the Ark would never come down, which meant that they would all be in danger.

Even if the engineers can fix the life support system, they didn't have enough time to do so, which meant that people would be dying.

Add to that, all his worries about surviving on the ground, Clarke hating him, what Bellamy and his thugs would do, Clarke wishing he wasn't here, while everyone thought being down here was a game with no rules, Clarke…

Wells hadn't realized that he was drifting off until a hand over his mouth jolted him awake.

He opened his eyes to see Bellamy leaning over him. Wells was about to push him off, but then he saw the gun.

Bellamy forced Wells to his feet and made him walk.

Wells walked ahead of Bellamy, still limping slightly from his sprained ankle.

It was far enough from camp that no one would hear any sound of a fight; though they would probably still hear a gunshot.

Bellamy wasn't concerned though. "That's far enough," he said. Wells turned to face him. "Relax Wells; I don't want to shoot you. Hell, I like you. But I do need them to think that you're dead," Bellamy, pointing up to the sky – to the Ark.

"Why?" Wells asked. "For real this time, not some crap about getting to do what you want to do."

"I have my reasons," Bellamy shrugged. "I also have the gun, which means I ask the questions. Why aren't you helping me? Your father banished you, dumped you down here like garbage, yet you're still doing his bidding. Aren't you tired of always doing what's expected of you? Stand up to him. Take off that wristband and you will be amazed at how good it feels."

Bellamy might have thought that he was being persuasive, but Wells just thought that everything out of his mouth was a line of crap.

"No, never, not gonna happen; is that clear enough for you?"

"Yeah, it is," Bellamy said cocking his gun. "Sorry it had to be like this."

Wells braced himself, but Bellamy just put the gun back under his jacket and nodded at someone to his left.

Wells looked over and saw Murphy coming up, and to the other side he saw Mbege. Bellamy had led him into an ambush! Three against one while he was injured were not good odds; Wells turned and tried to run, but his ankle slowed him down and three more guys intercepted him.

Bellamy managed to recruit new members to be a part of his new circle as he set plan in motion to get rid of the bracelets.

Wells nailed one of them with a fist to the jaw; one guy tried to grab him from behind, but Wells head-butted him and he let go, but then the third boy and Murphy and Mbege were on him. They wrestled him to the ground. "Hold him down. Get his arm!" Mbege got a piece of metal under Well's wristband to pry it off.

"Get off of me!" Wells shouted. "Don't do this!"

Bellamy watched it all happening, satisfied. If the Ark thought that their prince was dead they would never come down, and he'd be safe.

Mbege was working on the wristband, and the others were keeping Wells pinned when Murphy stood up and kicked at Wells. Bellamy wanted his wristband off, but he didn't actually want Wells dead.

"Murphy. Lets head out. We already got what we wanted."

Seeing the look on Bellamys face made them retreat letting Wells to catch his breath.

"This could have gone the easy way Wells."


Sorry guys for the wait xxx I was being lazy

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