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The sudden feeling of being strangled, jerked Rhea from her sleep, sitting upright abruptly caused a negative reaction as her body seized, which had her comforting her head in support as it felt extremely heavy.

Pain, the only feeling she could register, inflamed her entire body, the temperature in the room was extremely humid, not helping her cause as sweat became irritating to her skin, trying to get a hold of her breathing, became a task, the quick intake of air had her throat horsed, it hurt, her throat was too dry that she started to pant.

Water, her body shuddered at the idea, her mind becoming crazed as it craved the idea to assist with her condition, to relieve her from the torture.

The pressure of her heart beating frantically, made her wince from the harshness, her blood pumping through her veins made her movements sluggish, taking a look around, Rhea scowled in detest, this is not the forest.

The Grounder, becoming alert, she forced the agonizing pain she endured away into her sub consciousness, letting her body kick into defense mode.

Deciding to remain silent, Rheas cold gaze briefly scanned the room in one glance, the interior felt slightly familiar to her as the details begin to enlist into her mind, Lincoln.

Although his is a lot more well-kept, nonetheless, this design is an exact replicate of his, however, Rhea doubt this room is built for a gathering or live in. 

The walls are a much darker charcoal color then Lincolns, with little hole like window sills spaced out between each other rather nicely, each supporting its own shelf, containing numbers of objects like small sealed jars that contained small fragments of variety of things.

The details on the floor were generously covered in moist green leaves, leaving specks of the concrete ground to peak out from beneath it, being upright in her position, Rhea took note that she was no longer on ground level, being perched on a flat surface made of stone that was placed in the center of the eerily clinic feel room, like a center piece, had her foot dangling off the hard edges, barely scraping the floor with her toes.

A nagging sensation kept picking at her head, making the hairs on the back of her neck to stand up in alarmed.

Rhea couldn't shake off the feeling that she was being watched, it was like the warning signs in her head were going off, making her agitated, putting her off. 

Cautious, she took in her shaken up appearance, the cuts that scarred her body we're now being treated with the same flower she scouted after when she lost consciousness. 

In realization, she patted herself down and realized they took away her equipment, stripping her from head to toe, leaving her in nothing but the clothes she wore. Furious. 

The sound of quick movements fast approaching in her direction, unwillingly suppressed her anger.

(The outsider is in here.) 

Recalling what the Grounder had spoken of before she blacked out, Rhea gritted her teeth in controlled anger, holding her tongue, as she removed any trace of emotion itched onto her face, remaining passive and expressionless, like she has done many times before, her posture was unbelievably straight, considering her condition, it was rather impressive.

Anya, walking into the room as she nodded in the direction of her second, with the assistance of the circle, which consulted the third and the fourth, as well as her kin, Byron, who found her left for dead in the darklings forest, followed close behind her.

Anya glared, her traditional attire she has presented on her skin, empathized her physique, making her look ferocious, her slender figure bared no weakness as she came face to face with Rhea.

(What were you doing on my land?) 


Hello everyone!

I am so sorry for the long update, I was currently being possessed by a very addicting anime show that resulted in me getting distracted from updating this book.

This book, unfortunately will under go slow updates from this point on, due to other commitments, and I will also be slowly editing this book as well.

Thank you for all your lovely support and I hope you enjoy my book.


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