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Anya contemplated over the appearance of the little girl with a hard stare, making the arch of her brow to crease, as if she was concentrating very hard on something.

The second in command, watched his commanders expression closely, even he, was a little shaken up over the situation at hand.

The atmospheres that surrounded the two, felt dark and cold, the pressure radiating from their stare, was enough to make a grown man tremble, looking back and forth between the two, not a single word was uttered.

This little brat, he thought harshly in his head, he was insulted on behalf of his commander, by the lack of respect she has committed towards someone of superior rank then her.

Teaching her a lesson was on the tip of his tongue, if only, if it wasn't for the fact that there was an awkward silence currently taking place between the two, he would have unleashed havoc.

And due to the tension that was building up already, gave it away, only an idiot would interfere, and he knew better when to act on his emotions, and this wasn't the time for it, especially when his commander is in this type of mood.

Aggravated, Anya stare harden with displeasure, the lack of response irkered her greatly.

She has never felt this type of treatment since the day she became the commander of her clan, and she wasn't about to relive it.

The only reason why she hasn't thrown this outsider into the pit to await trial was due to there customs, Anya had no choice but to follow through as this girl could be from an alliance of there's or another clan.

The more she studied the outsider the more she felt aquentances with her, the familiar feel she portrayed was quite similar to her apprentice.

There attitude and the way they carried themselves, had a certain appeal to them that no one else has, although her underlings aspects pale in comparison to this outsider, nonetheless, they both shared the same traits.

But what was most memorizing, were her eyes, Anya was genuinely surprised, although she didn't let it phase her composure at all, it still nonetheless, shocked her to the core.

The stare that the perpetrator gave back in retaliation, was bone chilling, everything about her looked dead, void, like she was made out of clay.

The only emotion evident was in her eyes, the thickness of her lashes were like black ink, empathizing on the piercing shade of silver that seem to have glazed over, as if she was holding back a raging storm inside them. It was threatening to say the least.

(I was merely passing by.)

The unexpected thickness of her voice sounded rasp, like her throat was being crushed, took Anya back by surprise. 

The tone of her voice however, was a different story, yes, her accent is thick, but the way she spoke, sounded unnatural, emotionless.

(Byron.) Anya called out, not taking her eyes off the little girl, (Water.)

Bryon nodded, giving a glance over in Rheas direction, a little torn before disappearing from sight.

Hearing the sound of his retreating footsteps, Anya leaned in a little closer towards Rhea, taking an intimidating stance, silently sending out a warning that didn't go by unnoticed by Rhea.

The third in command, felt hostile, seething in anger by the response, as if she was the one being provoked.

The third just couldn't stand still any longer, the brat needed to know her place, tucking away a black strand of hair behind her ear, she retorted.

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