The Grounders Territory

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(We need this SKY- lander) Klous bluntly stared at me, gesturing to Lincoln, (to die or to disappear, she's nothing but trouble for the both of us.)

(Keep quiet Klous! Anya's men could possibly be monitoring this Caven.)

(And whose fault do you think that is?) he challenged, (As far as I can tell, she's doing just fine with the poison running in her system, Hell- that fake facade of hers disappeared!)

Rhea gritted her teeth, cursing herself in her head for letting it slip, it's far too late to recover it and knew that the both of them wouldn't fall for the act a second time, thanking Anya for the unwelcome surprise that aided her in her plan of escape, she lunged forward towards them in haste, grabbing at Lincoln pouch that she noted had some sort of liquid substances in small bottles identical to Klous, unknown to them, Rhea watched Klous pour the liquid in the class of water that was supposable to be of help to treat the poison in her veins, what she couldn't figure out was how clear the colour looked and taste as if it hadn't been tampered with.

Quickly drawing out the first bottle in reach, she smash it against Lincoln, making sure not to get it on any part of her body as she took another swing at Klous, startling and surprising both him and Lincoln, before swarming over to the hatch to escape.

Lincoln and Klous didn't notice her movements till they felt a prickling breeze swift passed them in an inhuman like speed, the substance Rhea attack them just so happens to be a stunner, where they are used for stunning there targets or prey for a whole minute or two, enough time to kill it or run away, Lincoln watched her flee with the pouch in one hand, creating a pit of anger in his stomach that match the one of Klous, not aware that it's not the only thing she took of his.

Rhea burst out from the hatch and swiftly took cover by a near by bush, staying low and hidden against the dirt soil, quieting her breathing, willing herself to stop all movements in her body just like she remembered and waited till she saw Lincoln and Klous emerge, both fleeing in different directions, opposite from her.

She waited a minute before climbing up a near by tree and took off, her feet tapping against numerous branches as she notice that most trees have the same mark that only lead to one place, like a guide, every symbol meant different meanings and pathways if you payed close enough attention to the details, any other person would find it to be the same mark. The Grounders were smart.

She didn't know how long she was passing by each tree till the full moon rays greeted her, glaring down at her scornfully as she came into a clearing that displayed make shift huts that were planted everywhere she looked, roughly around forty to fifty camp sites set up, over at least the same estimate of Grounders alive.

Jumping down from the tree she masked herself against the trunk, blending in as she over looked the view, this must be there home, main base, she could spot variety of Grounders teaching underling around the same age as her, on how to fight but there movements and fighting style she could detect are targeting at the vital cords of a human and majority of animals she could label in her head, she also studied many other Grounders, middle age to elderly, sharpening there arrows, weapons and strengthening up there huts and outer walls like a gate sealed around there base is when she realised, This is an army.

In a split second, a hand enclosed around her mouth, forcing her to the ground as a Grounder ran passed her.

"What the hell do you think your doing, little girl!" Klous fimiliar voice spat out. "Do you have a death wish?"

Not giving a response, Rhea bit his hand and kneed him in the stomach before running up the tree in high speed taking off, leaping from one branch to another, Klous couldn't comprehend on how she got here in the first place, a Sky lander should have never had come across this territory even by chance and find the camp site unless she was one of them, but it's impossible, following in after her, he quickly caught up to her pace, merely a few steps behind her.

Klous wanted answers and he wanted them now, pulling out his bow and arrow, he attack, aiming for her legs and arms, making sure to put in hidden arrows attach to the ends, recalling last time events where she dodge them so effortlessly and it seems that now is no different, as he missed by an inch as it embedded themselves into the branch she descended off. She caught on to his tactic of attack which didn't sit well with him.

Enraged, he quickly drawled out another and set it off, skimming passed her neck, is when he noted the quickness in her speed and resorted to rapid fire in her direction until it hit her ankles, making her buckle, missing the branch she fell in heap.

Rhea bit back her tongue at the pain as she rammed into a fallen log from a three story height, blinking back the blackness till her vision cleared, she came face to face with a rabid gorilla, that doesn't look too happy.


Thank you so much guys for waiting on my hopeless "quick" updates😅, just please bare in mind that I also have to study for year 12 VCE and what not, so I will let you guys know when the next chapter will come out on my wall (conversation) board thing on my profile so you guys don't have to wait and check on it everyday/night and waste your guys time😞, I also don't take Anything to heart😊 so thank you for helping me fix up my grammar and letting me know some ideas of yours, any ideas I use I will personally dedicate the chapter to you and state that you help me come up with the idea.

Thank you so much for the votes and happy comments😍😘 also happy Easter!!! Xxx

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