Chapter three

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Your stylist was furious. "You dare make me wait Longer!?" He was throwing a fit. "I'm not doing your hair anymore, doll" he said in a rather scary voice.

"I don't need you anyway.." You muttered.

Although you were a princess, you knew how to stand up for yourself.. But most people did disapprove that.

You turned back to komaeda, you put you right hand on his cheek. "You're more than a're my cr-" you were about to reveal your love to him which was practically forbidden.

"I'm you're?.." He repeated your words in confusion.

"You're more than what you think, komaeda" you whispered. So soft that only he could hear your words.

The whole time you were talking to komaeda the stylist marched out of your room along with his things and the tall women.

Everyone left the room. Expect komaeda.

So, instead of having a professional you had the next best things.

Your loving and caring maids.

You called them up (your closest friends) they curtsied. "Princess!" They all said say they looked down.

"I will need you to do my hair.." You said while pointing at your hair.

They gasped in delight and scrambled to their stations. Which was right, left, and behind you.

After fifteen short minutes they gave you a stylish bun. It was way better than that guy was  going to do.

You were absolutely the most beautiful girl around.

The rest of the morning you were being reviewed on proper etiquette, mostly because of the yelling from earlier.

And for the rest of the afternoon you were being taught ballroom dancing, with your dance instructor, komaeda.

It was officially nine. Ambassadors and princes were at the party. You were the only girl there, besides the queen.

Komaeda changed into a silver tuxedo. And under the light you could see his perfect features.

He was obviously the one for you.

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