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Clutching my books against my chest I slam the locker door in frustration. Being the absolute loser at your school is not fun.

"(Y/N)!" A voice calls out, luring my attention  towards them.

I spot Hinata jogging up towards me, he seems like he's out of breath as he approaches me.

"(Y-Y/N)" he stutters as he pants. Sweat drops from his forehead and rolls down his cheeks. "H-Hinata?!" I screech overly concerned with why he's so.. Sweaty.

"Why were you running?!" I ask while wrapping his arm around my shoulder; helping him walk.

His answer was cut off by girl squeals and pictures being taken.  A male whom I do not particularly know slowly walks over to us.

"Holy poop.." I mutter. "Isn't that guy the most popular kid in school?"

"I don't see how, That, Komaeda dude... He's just weird.."

"But, he does look pretty cute"

Hinata glares at me, and I simply kiss his cheek. "But you're still adorable too" I cooed.

"Good, because there's something I've been meaning to tell you.."

"Go on,"

Hinata takes a deep breath and opens his mouth, yet no words come out, I soon grew tired of being in this position with him so I walked him to a table and sat him down.

As I do so the sounds of girls gushing and squealing get louder. I ignore how loud a it's gotten "just tell me!" I whisper shout,


"JUST TELL ME" I scream.

Th sounds of girls squealing gets even louder.

"Here, let's go somewhere else.." Hinata suggests

*** short time skip ***

We arrive at my house, irritated by how easily the girls gush at my school, it's so  pathetic!

Hinata reads a book while I play video games, I always win at single player, but if it comes to me playing Nanami.. I always lose.

I then remember what I wanted to hear "Hinata, tell me!" I grin

Just as he opens his mouth the door booms open, the sound of girls squealing arrives, as soon as the squeals arrives a male came forward as well. he held  a rose and gets down on one knee.

"Komaeda?!" Hinata  yells out, obviously both surprised and angry at the same time.

"(Y/N), I love you will-"

He gets cut off by Hinata "NO. NO. NO. KOMAEDA YOU LEAVE RIGHT NOW"

The male gets closer to me and continues "will you please, make me yours?"

Hinata is red, smoke practically spewing out of his ears. "Don't listen to him, (Y/N), I'm the one that loves you!"

"Hinata, please, I'm quite certain that i adore her a lot more than what you appreciate her"

"Shut up! Trash scum!"

Authors note:
Just in case you were wondering...

I'll post the lemon chapter later


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