Chapter 3

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I wanted to pull away and say this wasn't right.. But something about this did feel right.

Our lips were only centimeters away, my breaths got heavier from both excitement and nervousness.

Komaeda titled his head some and leaned in just a little farther, his plump lips would soon meet mine.

"STOP!" A voice yelled from afar.

Komaeda turned to face Hinata, he was red from anger again. Hinata got a hold of me and pushed me away from Komaeda.

"Hinata why did y-" Hinata pressed me against the wall; his lips travelled down from my neck, onto my cheek. He seemed nervous as he leaned in farther to kiss me.

But before that could happen the sound of sadness filled the room; ruining the moment.

Maybe I should be grateful that happened? Because honestly, did I really want Hinata to be my first kiss?

Hinata rudely ignored the sound, I felt hurt to whomever felt such grief sadness. Pushing away Hinata I hurried to Komaeda who sniffed continuously. "Komaeda, what's wrong..?"

"You were about to kiss someone else!" He hissed; tears stilling casually strolling down his pink tinted cheeks.

"But I didn't, besides, what's wrong with me kissing Hinata?"

"Because we're dating!"

"What..? I don't remem-"

It's as if time stopped; or at least slowed down after such swift movement. Komaeda hurriedly placed his hands in my shoulder and spun me (sorta)

I lost my balance slightly but strong arms held my back, they pulled my up; I have never been so comfortable in his arms, and I never wanted to escape.

"Komaeda..." I breathed heavily very confused as to what just happened. He closed his eyes and cupped my chin. He moved closer and kissed me ever so gently.

"(Y/N)! NOO!" Hinata screeched and balled both his hands, side by side.

As Hinata  throws a tantrum Komaeda tilts his head and gives me a cheeky grin, a large group of girl circles around him. They each swoon and gush over how adorable Komaeda looked while smiling.

"Make him blush!" Exclaimed one,

Komaeda smirks and pushes me against the wall, almost like Hinata. "Yeah, (Y/N), make me blush.." He teased,

He lowered my shirt collar and began to kiss my neck gingerly. I was baffled as to how far this has gotten in just one day.

Hinata was in tears just like how Komaeda was just a few moments ago.

As Komaeda was showing me his affection Hinata turned his gaze towards mine. He mouthed the words "why him..?" Seeing him cry like that hurt me badly.

"Help!" I mouthed back as I held back all my moans and groans, as soon as I mouthed such Hinata stormed over to Komaeda and pinned him to the wall.

"Don't do that to (Y/N)!" He huffed in a rude manner, his blood was boiling. He's gotten really mad lately,

"(Y/N), may you please make your decision... Hinata or me?"

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 25, 2016 ⏰

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