The marrige

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Because of the practice you had earlier with your father you were ready. As for Komaeda.. We can't say the same.

But it only took him five minutes to get ready. His suit was shining and his marshmallow colored hair shines brighter under the sunlight.

You stepped slowly into the church. Your father anchored his arm and you took it. Before you proceeded a young girl threw rose petals onto the floor, it made your eyes shine brightly.

Two older girls held the back of your dress that dragged quietly over the carpeted floor.

Your steps echoed as well as your father's. your hair bounced gracefully as you took a step. After a few minutes you made it to your fiancé. You blush lightly as he blushed furiously.

The priest was asking him multiple things, if you weren't so distracted and concerned about your future you could actually hear was he said.

His low silky voice responded "I do" your eyes wandered around the church as he slipped on a gorgeous golden ring on your ring finger. You gasped when you the the priceless ring.

The priest spoke once more. Sweat dropped from your forehead as you tapped the floor softly.

Silence flowed across the room.

"O-oh!" You squeaked as your noticed t was your turn to say the traditional

"I do" you said nervously. The ring bear extended a pillow as your took the golden object. You slowly and gently put the ring on his ring finger.

The next words practically made your heart skip a beat.

"You may now kiss the bride"

Nagito stepped forward and caressed your cheek. He leaned in and softly kissed your luscious lips. He held the kiss for a long time, when he parted the crowd's applaud died down.

"I love you ______" he whispered as he held your sweaty hand.

"And I love you..." you whispered as you gripped his hand tightly

The end.

Aye so.. I'll continue to post! Like, epilogues and random shit :)

Please excuse any things you disagree with like: cussing, sexual content, religious beliefs.

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