Dreaded Future

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The Experiment watched the sky through the barred window on the far wall. It was a windy night and clouds were rolling endlessly, creating patches of starlight that were soon filled until a new spot opened. Despite her lack of care for the world and humans on it, the girl saw immense beauty in the night. She loved the way moon's silver glow and the small shining lights of stars that lit dark paths. That was the only dream that she still held on to throughout her years of imprisonment. Running through starlight meadows and breathing the night's cool, crisp air as she swam through lakes filled with the moon.

The Experiment sighed as she walked to the corner of her cage where her small bad was pushed. She sat on the bed with a bounce. Throughout the day it was easy to suppress the voice in her head, the loneliness, the pain but when the sun set and dark skies engulfed the world everything set in. Late in the night when she'd stopped fighting the nightmares and sat awake in her cage was when she was the closest to breaking. In the darkness she didn't have anyone to talk to except her constant companion who was never very cheerful and she had to much time to think about her life; about the past, present, and future of herself. It was stressful and depressing.

Her past was sad and lonely, filled with endless memories and tests and procedures and empty cages constantly changing as the doctors found out something new. She'd only had one friend and she'd listened to his screams of agony as he was torn apart.

His name had been RB007 but she had called him James. He was a highly advanced robot with the mind of a growing human. He was built when she was 10 and his cell was right next to hers. They laughed and talked but never actually played together. Even though he was a robot he actually felt motions, even more than she did. The Experiment wasn't sure if the robot was programmed to think it was human or not but his scientist and doctors decided that he was wrong, so the tore him apart. Apparently they had planned very well for his destruction because stayed awake throughout the whole surgery and he felt everything. For hours the young girl listened to her only friend's screams and he was dissected. At first he had begged them to stop but in the last couple of his life he began pleaded for death. Not only was that was the first and last time she'd had any interactions with another experiment it was her first and last friend besides the girl who lived in her head.

Not much changed from her bleak past to her present. She'd grown older, smarter and was now what would be called a beautiful young woman but all her memories were of tests and running with no where to go. After her last attempt to escape she realized that trying to leave was pointless; she was trapped and she always would be.

It was the future that she truly dreaded though. She knew that when she reached 25 and her brain fully devolved she would be sent onto battle fields as a weapon. She was the perfect killing machine. She was difficult to kill, healed almost instantly when injured, lacked empathy, processed supernatural abilities, was stronger, faster, and more agile than most Olympic trainers and she barely even exercised. The American military was excited to get her and they kept pushing to have her now but her team refused to use in battle yet. On the rare occansions when she did sleep nightmares about her future plagued her. She saw herself murdering innocent people and burning down homes and villages without even batting an eyelash. She saw men tied up with deep lashes covering their bodies as she dissected their minds. She saw herself looking at the stars and only seeing crimson blood of the humans she'd killed.

The Experiment shook her head and sighed. For as much as she didn't care about humans she still didn't want to kill them. She didn't see a point to hurting people and not even apologizing, just shrugging it off with the excuse of, 'It's war. There's going to be casualties." There shouldn't wars or causalities.

If we have to it, we have to do it. It's that or leave this damned place. She heard Andria's voice say.

You know that we're stuck. You know that better than anyone else. You've been with me every step of the way on this so don't yell at me like this is my fault. She responded. The comment seemed to have quieted the voice.

Look, let's just try to get some sleep. She suggested. The Experiment rolled her eyes, not at the girl but just at the bitter world that she was forced to live in.

Yeah, key word being try. She remarked with a tired sigh. Laying down she closed her eyes and tried to fall into her fitful nightmares.

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