A Plan

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As soon the pair stepped outside and felt the light breeze of the summer afternoon, E started talking.

"I know your plan. I know that you're going to run to car as fast as you can, with my hand in yours and you're going drive; you're going to drive a 100 miles per hour until we can't see the world anymore. I know you're going to remove me and you're going to have your daughter back. You don't care if I live or die but I'm sorry, you'll never have your Andria back. You can't separate us." Drew stared at the young woman with rising anger and hatred burning in his eyes.

"How dare you?" He asked as though he were insulted. His sudden reaction startled E. "You invade my head and then have balls to tell me I can't have my daughter! The hell I can't separate you two!" A small amount of spit hit the Experiment's face. She shook herself out of her shock and grew just as angry as the doctor.

"I think I know better than you considering she's in my head!" The doctor scoffed at her.

"Alright, I'll bite. Why can't I kill you and keep my daughter." His voice was low, almost like a growl.

"She'd literally go insane without being in my head or if you'd prefer, me being in her head. Both of us are constantly hearing each other's thoughts. Even in true environmental silence neither of us experience a lack of sound; more specifically, a lack of a female voice. Without that constantly voice she'd go insane and So would I if I didn't have her. So even if you managed to untangle our threads, you'd lose her to insanity. As for killing my conscience, that's just a generally bad idea." Drew raised an eyebrow in curiosity. The Experiment sighed in exasperation. "Really? Do you not see how I being dead would be terrible for the human race?"

"You're a weapon, you're a monster so no I don't see why you should be allowed to live to live in this world and I certainly don't see why you're death would be a loss to humanity." All the previous rage had drained from the man's voice and now his words sounded like they were on the border of desperation and emptiness. Once again, E sighed at the doctor.

"You're right, I'm a genetic monster that really should never have been created but I'm not a weapon. Eventually I will be but I dread that day and I will do anything to not have that future. I am however smarter than some of the most brilliant humans that have ever and will ever live but I don't have the normal human boundaries. I can go without sleep, food or drink for weeks at a time, I have powers that are growing and devolving every day, I can handle levels of pain that average human minds can barely imagine, and I don't have stupid human emotions. I used to have a small sense of empathy and compassion and all that but I killed it long ago when I realized how much better it was to care about anything or anyone." E paused slightly to catch her breath. "I can save the world, solve 9 out of 10 of all humanities problems so do you now understand why you can't kill me?" Drew nodded quietly.

After a moment of silence the doctor picked back up the conversation. "Anyway so you know how I plan to escape, yes?" E nodded as Drew took a deep breath. "Do you think it'll work?" His eyes and his voice scared and worried. Both he and the Experiment knew what would happen if the plan didn't work and though that thought was terrifying she nodded her head. He nodded back and she understood what his gesture truly meant.

The two continued walking and talking until they were almost a mile away from the facilities building and only a few hundred yards from the fence that surrounded it. Both of them stopped their conversation and looked back. Nervously they looked at each other and they knew what to do.

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