Difference Between Love and Guilt

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Drew slowly navigated through the parking lot while E sat and looked at the different car models. She wondered if driving was as fun as most people claimed it was. She knew every step and rule that went along with driving but had never gotten the chance to use her knowledge. Once Drew finally made it onto the street he quickly sped through the nearly empty road. E watched the fast food shops and gas stations fly by.

"So I want to know what happened to Anna. After what she did I never spoke to her again. I didn't see her or hear about her when I talked to your team so I just want to know where she went or what she's doing now."

"Well the only thing she's doing now is lying in a grave; unless you believe in the afterlife." E responded, she was still more focused on what was happening outside the car though.

"She...she died." E rolled her eyes slightly.

"Yeah it's a thing you humans do. The only one that won't expire, or at least not for a while, is the one I share a room with. So you can at least be happy that Anna gave her that." The Experiment glanced at Drew to gauge his reaction.

Wow, the idiot still cares about her. I mean he loves the 'one he married' not the 'one who gave you up' but still that's pathetic. After 20 years and he's still clinging to the woman he hates and the daughter he lost.

Drew cleared his throat. "So um how did she...go?" He asked with a shaky voice.

"No one's really sure. She made sure that she was going to die so she slit her wrist, swallowed a bunch of pills, and hung herself. She was in the facility so got her pretty quick but either one or all of her methods worked."

"She killed herself?" Drew's voice was shocked but E didn't understand why.

"Yeah, think about it. She had a terrible childhood then she met this guy who she thought was great; she thought you would save her and you did for a bit. Then things went horribly and she end up with a baby and a failed marriage. When she gave up Andria she thought that she was doing what was best for her because at that point she was torn between leaving the kid or killing it."

"Wait what?" Drew cut in. "I was there, she wasn't in a good place but she wasn't that bad and I would have gladly taken Andria!"

"Bullshit, you only saw pieces of her and those were still completely broken! And don't you dare say you were there; you were off gambling and finding a new girl every night instead of helping your ex take care of the daughter you claim to desperately love. Just remember there's a difference between love and guilt." E took a deep breath to calm her down. "Anyway as I was saying, she was trying to give Andria a better life but everyone, including the team, told her it was the wrong choice. They told her that she had just abandoned her daughter and killed her at the same time. Really though she thought she was giving her daughter the chance to unique, to be special and important. She thought she was giving her a life that she would live for hundreds of years. She thought she was saving Andria but for years after that decision everyone shoved their opinions in her face. It took three years for her kill herself and I'm surprised she even held on for that long."

The two sat together quietly after that. Drew was uneasy and it showed despite him trying to hide his feelings. The Experiment was satisfied that she'd hit the doctor in a nerve.

Finally the two made it to a deli. "Why did we drive all the way out here when we passed a ton of places to eat?" The Experiment asked exasperated. Drew ignored her and slammed the car door shut. E smirked at her handy-work.

The two ordered their food and eat inside. The Experiment had gotten an Italian sub with fresh lemonade. She devoured her sandwich and slowly sipped on the sour, bright yellow drink while she watched the doctor eat.

"If you knew everyone's secrets; if you knew every piece of their dark past and you had a map of every one of their regrets. If you could see every thought that they ever had, what would you do?" The Experiment asked quietly.

"I think I'd go insane." Drew answered after a moment of thought. E nodded.

"Yeah, that would be nice." She whispered to herself.

The conversation ended there and the two went back to empty silence. Eventually they went back to Drew's apartment where E took a walk to hide from the pictures of the girl she'd destroyed.

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