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After nearly an hour of talking to herself and Andria, E stood and looked out at the dark sky. A heavy wind was shaking the trees and had blown clouds across the moon and many of the pinprick stars. Normally the girl would of have been disappointed at the covered lights but tonight it was better that her path wasn't illuminated.

With a deep breath E walked to the bathroom and washed her hands. Drew's blood had begun to dry and stick, outlining the lines in the girl's hands. With a few moments of painful scrubbing most of the crimson stains were washed away. E looked for gloves and found a box of thin disposal ones in the kitchen. The girl busied herself for next hour cleaning and bleaching everything that she had touched. During her cleaning session the Experiment found nearly $200 in cash that the doctor had hidden in his room.

Finally E removed any trace of her presence in the house. All that remained was the doctor and the deep red spill. E still hadn't decided how to dispose of the body but she was running out of time. The sun would be rising in few short hours and she still had to spend her time running as far as she could.

Quickly she went through her memory, trying to recall information about bodies for the hundreds of books she had read to pass the time not so long ago. Within minutes she decided to first burn the body somewhere distant and remote so the smoke and fumes wouldn't be noticed. After the flesh was burnt away she would bury the bones at a grave. No one would take interest to search the dead for his bones or body.

With clarity E search for large trash bags or better yet, contractor bags. With luck, she found a few tucked away in a small shed acting as a storage unit. The girl looked at the sky but the moon was still shrouded in thick gray clouds.

With shaky breaths the Experiment quickly and quietly pulled and pushed Drew into a double lined bag and tied to top with twenty rubber bands.

'I don't miss him.' Andria whispered. 'It's strange watching you run around trying to cover your crime because they'll know what you did. You can any and everything to hide and run but they'll know you killed him; they'll follow you and they'll make you a machine.' Her voice was dark and distant and E tried to ignore it as she heaved the body towards his car. 'It's not like much will change though. I mean you're already on your way to being the killer they wanted. Really you'll just be losing me and at that point you won't even care. You'll be so far beyond human, you won't even be classified as a monster.'

'Shut up!' E responded silently as she stood panting. Drew was now lying in the truck covered in bags and blankets to hide in. 'I didn't mean to.' She said quietly.

'Oh c'mon, you would have killed him at some point! I mean how could you not!' Her words were excited and loud. 'He was the perfect mark. A recluse willing to do anything for his daughter. No one will miss him or look for him because he had no one but his obsession which died with him. We could find people like him, or even criminals who's lives are less than worthless.' E knew it was true but she still tried to fight the urge to kill again.

'No, we've had our sample of the life we were meant to live; we don't need to live through more.'

'The more you try to fight it, the more you'll need it. You'll need to watch lives seep through their pores as they gasp for a final breath. It will build inside you and grow worse like an infection until you break and murder innocent people. You'll find yourself wandering the streets at night looking for family's who stayed out too late. You'll play with their bodies; breaking and bending their fragile bones, you'll feed off their screams until they choke on their own blood and bile!' E listened and saw it all in her mind. Tears had wet her eyes and we're now falling at a rapid pace. She fell on the ground, still feeling her sick smile when she had seen Drew's lifeless body.

"No!" She screamed through all her thoughts and Andria's words. "I won't." The words were barely a whisper and were cornered with shaky lips. She desperately wanted to believe them but she knew that Andria was right. She was made to kill and now that she had it would the only thought she would carry.

'I can't sit here and listen to your lies. I have to destroy him, I have to get rid of him before anyone notices.'

'Good luck,' Andria giggled. Her laugh was sharp and cold like a blade but E pushed it away and stood. With numb movement she finished scrubbing Drew's blood from the walls and floor. She gathered food and other supplies from the cupboards and closets. With a final check of the clock she saw she only had two hours until sunrise. With that, she drove away.

The girl drove the back road with no street lights. Her speed never fell below 100 mph. Every stop she made was jerky and every turn spun wildly but she had no time to learn how to drive properly.

Finally, E found a desolate wooded area far from everything. She slowly cruised through the narrow dirt path and once wedged deep in the forest she stopped.

With great effort she pulled the doctor from his bags and laid him on a large stone.

With determination she brought a fire to life in her palm. The flames were blue with touches of bright red and deep orange at the flickering end. She threw the heated flames at the body. His clothing caught quickly and began burning with vivid color. The fire ran along his body and licked at his flesh until it reached his hair where it burst with new life. The smell was disgusting. A mixture of metal and charcoal and sickening sulfur. E watched in silence while the father burned with a beautiful blaze and a revolting scent. Occasionally she threw more blue flames at the body when the fire started to die.

After little more than an hour, Drew was reduced to charred bones. She smiled at her handy work and tossed the bones back into the contractors bags.

Within minutes she was back to the road searching for a graveyard. To her surprise she found one with 20 miles of the burning site.

E left her car with the bag of bones in her hand. The sky was dark except for a the borders of the horizon when the sun was starting to rise with a light orange stretch around it.

E passed many graves until she found a recently dug one that was still covered with fresh dirt. With only a few flicks of her wrist, the girl emptied to the coffin. With a slight struggle she levitated the coffin and held it above the hole. Quickly she tossed the rattling bag down and with a sigh of relief set the wooden tomb over it. Once again she returned the pile of dirt into the hole with little effort.

The sun barely risen from where it had sat when E arrived to when she left.

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