Laugh or Run

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E laughed in the silent room. She couldn't control it; the feeling of power and adrenalin rushing through her was incredible. She felt like a god and she knew that she could be. She could rule the world with a simple gesture. She laughed and laughed until her sides hurt. Andria laughed with her. They both knew what this first murder was leading to; another killing.

"No!" E screamed suddenly. She felt a surge of regret and guilt, especially since the daughter of the man that was dead on the floor, was laughing. She felt a strong sense of disgust and self-loathing but Andria quickly tried to talk her back.

"Oh, come on. It was going to happen eventually whether it was Drew it a soldier or a child; you would eventually kill someone." E felt a piece of her agreeing. She knew that she was created and designed to kill, so why was it so terrible if she just killed the wrong people. Why was it so different to kill on a battlefield than a living room.

No! She fought the thought. I didn't want to kill in a war! I never wanted to be the weapon I was meant to be so it's not okay. It's not okay. E broke down into sobs. She felt like she was being torn in two. There was the piece of her that was wanted to laugh in joy and kill again; then there was the piece of her that wanted to run and run until time ran out and there was nothing to run from anymore.

So E sat with Andria, the body, and her internal war. She knew that she'd have to dispose of the corpse soon, with the cover of the stars but she go couldn't bring herself to move.

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