Daily Routine

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The Experiment woke to the quiet noises of the facility. She slowly sat up and stretched. The young woman smiled as she looked outside the window to a bright, sunny day. She stood up when she heard someone approaching her cage. She sighed as she saw her team. A woman with long, dark hair and dull gray eyes was holding a tray with an assortment of breakfast foods like oatmeal and fruit. The Experiment recognized her as Dr. Ash, the leader of the unit. The girl walked forward and patiently waited as the door slowly opened. She stepped out of the cage and took the tray from Dr. Ash. "Thank you." She said quietly.

Dr. Ash and the other team members ignored her comment. The group walked off and E quickly followed. She slowly picked at the fresh strawberries and blueberries on her plate as she walked. It wasn't very exciting but it was the best part of her day; her morning workout.

After a couple minutes the group reached the exercise room. The Experiment walked in alone and listened as the heavy doors' locks clicked. The girl walked to the lockers and changed out of her sweat pants and oversized shirt to a tight sports bra, a loose tank top and a black pair of yoga pants. She sighed as she pulled her hair into a tight ponytail. This was the best part of her day, she got the chance to run and move and she it gave her a distraction from her worries and fears. E smiled as she walked out and saw her personal trainer.

"You ready?" She asked excitingly. E nodded her head yes and the two began their morning routine. They both warmed up with cardio and eventually moved on separately to the machines. The personal trainer had stopped training E years ago and now took their time together to exercise herself. Throughout their session to two talked periodically but overall the room quiet.

After two hours the two girls went to the locker room and showered. The Experiment wrapped a white cotton towel around herself and walked to her locker. She pulled out a tight black tank top, dark jeans, and sneakers. She threw her workout clothes into the locker and left with her team to Dr. Ash's office.

Dr. Ash stayed in the room but the rest of the crew hurried off to take notes behind the mirrored window. The Experiment plopped down on the soft couch in the office. She looked around the beautifully decorated room. It had light blue walls with a mural of waves and near one corner of the space was a rock water fountain. There was also an oak desk near one of the light blue walls and a few fake plants scattered around to add the look of sophistication. While E looked around Dr. Ash pulled out a heart monitor and a brain scanner. She quickly attached tubes to the Experiment and pulled out the chair from behind her desk. She held a notepad and pen so she could take notes to compare with the other member's.

"Hello Experiment. So can you list all your current abilities?" She asked. E rolled her eyes. This was a frequent question that she felt was redundant because she'd be asked if there were any new powers anyway.

"Telepathy, pyrokinesis, levitation, quick heal, shapeshifting, and technically superhuman mentality." The doctor nodded her head slightly as she wrote.

"So nothing new?" Her voice was hopeful and it caused E's annoyance to turn more towards anger.

"Nope." She responded sharply. The meeting and questions continued for another hour and then the Experiment was lead back to her cell. She was given an assortment of books to read until lunch.

While in the middle of Return of the King, her 10th book in the last two hours, She heard a knock on her cage. She looked up and laughed in excitement when she saw Drew standing at an open door to the cage. She pushed herself up and hurried over to the man.

"Hello!" She greeted cheerfully. "I'm glad you're here, I think I was going to die of boredom if I finished my book before lunch." The doctor chuckled and the two started walking outside to have their session.

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