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"Thank you again." E said with a yawn.

"It's no problem. So uh what's your name?" He asked taking a few glances at the extremely attractive woman next to him.

"I go by E." She replied quickly and a bit nervously. "What about you?" She asked, hoping the subject would change soon.

"I'm Richard or Richy, whichever you prefer." E nodded.

"Um, do you have any water, or any drink really, by chance?"

"Yeah, in the back seat there's a canteen. It's got water."

"Thank you so much!" E exclaimed as she reached back and pulled the bottle from the seats. She took a large gulp, swinging her head back and exposing her long, elegant neck. "I haven't had water all day." She explained when she finished drinking.

"I thought you went hiking?" Richard questioned. "Did you not bring water?"

"I did, just not enough for the whole day because I wasn't expecting to be out that long." E lied with a sly smile. "I'm lucky that I ran into you or I would have had to have spent the night out in the woods."

"That would have been dangerous." The man said, still taking every chance to look away from the road. E didn't have the care to respond. Her head was lying between the window and the frame around it. Already her eyelids tugged closed and she was just so tired.

In the next minute, the girl fell asleep and though her savior took as much time as possible to look, he didn't make a move on her sleeping body. 

A little over an hour later Richard gently shook his passenger's shoulder. E slowly opened her eyes to see that they were parked in front of a rundown motel. Te city around her was quiet with stores that were closed until morning, lining the street.

"Um...thank you so much." She said sleepily. She reached down to the bag by her feet and pulled a twenty out of the stack of bills. "Here," she offered the man.

"No payment necessary." Richard denied the money with a smile. "I promise, it's not a big deal."

"Thank you again then." E leaned in a kissed the man's cheek. To her horrified surprise, the moment her lips made contact with the slightly grown scruff on his face, she could see his mutilated corpse. She could feel herself driving the knife from her bag into his heart and watching as blood poured from the wound.

Filled with shock and terror at how realistic her vision was, the girl pulled away with a shaky smile and hurried out of the truck. She rushed inside the motel and was greeted by a sleeping middle aged black man. He was still sitting in a chair behind the front desk but his head had rolled to the side and his snores were loud and raspy.

E nervously approached the counter. "Hello." She said loudly. The man jumped in his chair and began looking around frantically. After a moment his eyes landed on E and his panic gave way to a to an irritated mood.

"For one night it's 90 bucks but if you stay three nights it's 200."

"I'll do three nights." E said fishing money from her bag. She still had most of what she had stolen from Drew so many years ago. E handed the money to the man and was given a card key.

"You're room 217. It's on the second floor." He said gruffly and laid back in his chair. E left with her bag in her hand and began wandering the top floor.  After a few minutes of searching in the dark, she found her room and went inside to find a small bedroom-like house. There was a full sized bed that stuck out from the wall, a scratched desk, a sink with a mini fridge under it, and a bathroom with no door and a tiny shower right next to the toilet.

'It's not ideal but it works.' E said to Andria.

'So, what are we going to do now?" The girl in her head asked.

'I guess...find someone and you know...' E's voice trailed off and it sent a spark of anger through her friend.

'Stop being so shy about it. This was your decision and it's time that you stand up to it.'

'You know, it's not incredibly easy to just kill people.' E felt her own rage rising.

'It is! Humans are fragile, stupid creatures with nothing that really protects them. They are by far the easiest animal to kill, especially since you have superhuman abilities.' E sighed in frustration.

'Physically, yes humans are simple and easy to kill, but morally they create lives around themselves. They have family and friends that will mourn them and won't be the same person without them.'

'Oh come on, they get over it in a month and find someone new. It's not a big deal because they're always expecting death in some way, it's just the way they live.' E listened and with sudden determination, she went downstairs to find to find the hotel greeter.

He was still behind the front desk, asleep with his disruptive snores. E took a breath and silently entered the room. In a matter of minutes the girl had created a plan of how to murder and not be caught. The first part was simple; steal the greeters keys, then she would find the closest city, kill a homeless person, clean the truck, and be back by four. The whole plan was simple really, but she still felt a rise of pride at how quickly she'd thought of it.

E crept through the room towards the older man, whose nametag she now saw read Albert. With a quick motion, she grabbed a ring with only one key that sat on a shelf inside the desk. She then left as quietly as she had arrived and was out the door and searching for the car faster than she had expected. Finding the correct took a lot longer, though. By the time was able to find a beat up Lexus, which happened to be Albert's car, it was almost 12:30 and she'd left her room a little after 12:15.

The car wasn't extremely hard to drive but trying not to hit any of the other cars was as E had not driven in 15 years. She had to slam the brake multiple times to just avoid the back half of the dozen other cars.  Finally, she made it out to the street and a few moments of driving realized she was in Auburn, New Hampshire. She made a final plan to head to Manchester and find a victim there.

After only about 15 minutes of driving, E passed a sign that she could barely read but made out a few letters and figured the rest to say Manchester. She smiled in delight at how close she was to the kill. Her moment of joy took her by surprise and after that short moment, she felt disgusted at her thought.

'I shouldn't happy.' She complained to Andria.

'Why not?' Andria's was bored and airy with disinterest. E rolled her eyes at her friend and decided to keep the worries to herself.

E stopped at the first drugstore, a Walgreens, and quickly bought a box of latex gloves. It was important that she didn't leave prints or it would negate her entire plan.

After E's stop, it only took a few minutes to find a man sleeping on a patch of grass that led to a park. The girl pulled over and grabbed the knife that was in next her. It was slightly dull but it would still pierce the flesh with no issue as longer as she pushed hard enough. With that, she slid out of the car and walked to the sleeping man.

With no warning, the girl plunged the knife into his stomach. His eyes flew open in surprise and shock but took a moment longer to register. E grinned as she watched his eyes flutter in confusion and torment as she twisted the knife deeper into his slight stomach. It was a joy to watch his guts and blood run through the wound as she pulled the knife out. The man to scream E once again plunged the knife into his body, this time, the throat. It was only seconds later that she watched his eyes gloss over in death. She suppressed a laugh ran back to the car after wiping the blood and gore off on the man's blanket.

After that, it was easy to drive back to Auburn, vacuum the car at a gas station nearby the hotel, and bring it back to where she'd left it. She quietly replaced the keys and went to her room. She was happy to find that it was 1:49. It had been an easy and refreshing kill.

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