Ch.06 Comfort

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Eren was sitting in front of Levi. His hands rested on his lap as his legs fidgeted in discomfort. Turned out what Levi meant by having 'our own good time' was different from what Eren had been imagine.

Eren thought they would continue whatever Levi was about to do earlier; right before the discussion at the meeting room.

He thought there would be something, anything.

But no.

All Levi did was staring silently at Eren, without a single word being said. Seriously, that's kinda creepy. Where was the breath-taking Levi earlier? This was like a different Levi, he was too quiet.

'Multiple personality much? No offense but that's what it looks like,' Eren thought.

Then, the brunette let out a soft sigh as he played with the tea spoon in his hand and twirling it lazily, while the Alpha was sipping his cup of tea leisurely without tearing off his gaze at Eren.

Eren fidgeted more, feeling Levi's eyes piercing right through him even though the brunette was looking at his own lap.

This was too awkward much to Eren's comfort. The brunette cleared his throat and slowly he looked up at the Alpha, "So... Uhm, drinking tea is your way on having a good time?" He asked, trying to break the silence.

"Well, not exactly," Levi answered. A hint of happy tones in his voice, mostly because Eren decided to start a conversation even if the brunette quivered a bit.

"Huh? What do you mean by that?" Eren tilted his head slightly to the side in confusion.

'Cute,' Levi thought. He gave Eren a small smile before he answered again, "Drinking tea with you is my way on having a good time."

The answered, somehow, made Eren blushing really hard.

Levi then added, "To be honest, I want to do more than drinking tea with you. But no, not when you are still feeling uncomfortable and scared around me."

"I am not. I just, uh, nervous?"

"Same thing, isn't it?"

"No, it's not."

"Well, if that's the case, then we can always do something else that could ease your nervousness," Levi suggested.

"Can we, uh, talk? I want to get to know you better. Is that okay?" Eren asked with a shy smile.

Now, Levi was not a person who easily smiled, but seeing the brunette shy smile made the raven returned the action immediately and nodded, "What would you like to know?"

"I don't know? Um, how— why haven't you marked me yet?" Eren bluntly questioned him.

"Because you rejected me before, so I need to be careful not to being rejected twice," Levi smirked.

"Is that even your real answer?" Eren giggled.

"Of course. Also, I think you're not even sure if you're ready to be marked by me, at least not yet. Because, as I said, you're still feeling uncomfortable and scared around me."

"And as I said, I am just nervous, that's all!" Eren replied.

"Are you?" Levi's smooth and calm voice suddenly turned into a rough and raspy ones. He stood up and walked to Eren's seat, closing the distance between them. He then grabbed both of Eren's shoulder gently and moved his head right in front of Eren while the brunette turned his body a bit to Levi's side.

Eren shut his eyes tightly. His body slightly trembled with nervousness and anticipation for what was going to happen next. But all Eren felt was only their breath that mingled together while the kiss was never came.

Call My Name - Levi/Eren (Werewolf AU) - AoT/SnKWhere stories live. Discover now