Ch.30 Extra (part 2)

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Chapter Notes:

Brace yourself, pregnant Eren is coming! And please keep in mind that in my story, werewolf pregnancy is different from human pregnancy. Enjoy! c:


A white bundle of fur was gazing toward the full moon through the open window as Eren slowly approaching, "River, you're still up?"

Upon hearing his name being called, River glanced at Eren before he stared back onto the moon and let out a long howl.

"You're saying good night to the moon spirit?" Eren asked as he sat next to the pup, stroking the soft fur.

River nodded cutely and then shifted back into his human form. Once he did, Eren smiled at the three-year-old and put River's favourite pyjama on him.

"Thank you, daddy," River said sleepily after Eren done dressing him.

Eren kissed River's chubby cheek lovingly, "You are very welcome, baby. But, ever since you are able to shift into your wolf form a couple weeks ago, you keep talking to the moon spirit until late at night. Sleeping late is not good, you need your beauty sleep, baby, just like I need mine."

"Beauty sleep?" River asked, confused.

"Mhm. You need your beauty sleep because your growing body needs it. Me? I need my beauty sleep so I could be a great, responsible Alpha slash Alpha's mate all the time while still looking good from all that," Eren chuckled.

"Well..." River was about to say something, but he paused and sighed, "—okay, daddy."

"Hm, what is it, baby?"

"Nothing," River mumbled hesitantly.

"Oh!" Eren clapped his hands together, making River jolted in surprise, "You wanna sleep with daddies again, don't you, baby?"

"No. I can sleep by myself. I'm a big boy, daddy," River frowned a bit.

"Aw, don't be shy. Come, come. But be quiet, okay? Daddy's already asleep," Eren tugged on River's chubby hand as they walked side by side toward Levi and Eren's bedchamber.

Once they arrived, River carefully climbed onto the bed and lie next to sleeping Levi.

Eren followed suit and not to long after that, he could hear River's even breath as he fell into his sleep. He smiled softly at the sight and kissed the top of River's head, "Sleep tight, baby. Let's face a beautiful tomorrow." With that, Eren too, slowly fall asleep.


The beautiful tomorrow turned out was welcomed with Eren feeling nauseous as he threw up while leaning on the toilet seat. Levi and River, who were awake because of that, followed him to the toilet.

"Ewww, daddy, are you okay?" River asked as he patted Eren's shoulder, yet he scrunched up his nose uncomfortably, just like how Levi reacted at that moment.

Eren took a deep breath and wiped his mouth with a wet cloth given from Levi, "I think... I'm fine now, baby."

"Are you sure, treasure?" Levi asked in concern. Disgusted by the vomit, but concerned nonetheless.

"I am su— uuurgh!" Eren threw up for the second time.

This time, Levi was fully concerned, being disgust had forgotten. He rubbed at Eren's upper back gently and wiped Eren's mouth with a new wet cloth, "You know, what? I think you are not fine."

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