Ch.23 Decisions

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Chapter Notes:

This chapter contains a few harsh jumps from one scene to another. Please kindly ignore them ^^ 


After a few bickering here and there until late at night, Levi and Eren had finally decided on who was going to stay in their territory during the x-day for an extra protection.

Later, on the next morning, they gathered the inner council, along with Jean and Rose-Maria, for a closed meeting.

Once everyone had seated, Levi wasted no more time and immediately started to explain things; the situation about his attacking plan that he made with Erwin, Ymir's information about the exact time and date for the perfect attack, and of course, Eren's idea of extra members for protecting the territory during the x-day, in fear of getting their own territory became easy target for an attack when almost all the members were about to go for a massive attack to Armored Colossal Pack.

Everyone simply agreed by what Levi had told them, and that was a relief for the raven Alpha, because it meant that he didn't have to convince everyone to agree on all of these.

But the relief only last for a few moments. By the time Levi mentioned Kenny's name as one of many members that were chosen to stay, the Elder slammed the table in pure annoyance, "Why should I stay here when I can help you in the field and kill those mutts, hm, Levi?!"

"Kenny, you used to be the Alpha of the pack and now you are the Elder of the pack, your role is very important if you are going to stay. Because, your strength is unquestionable and I believe that you can protect our territory along with all the members here while I am away. Also, as the Elder, I need you to make sure that no one thinks negatively during our leave for the attack."

"What, like, making sure to those puppies that their mommy and daddy will come back safely? Shit, kid, I am not a goddamn babysitter," Kenny protested.

"At least you only have to deal with children and a few adults. Just be glad that currently we don't have any old members that we need to take care of, since the oldest member of the pack is you; the Elder of the pack who is still in his healthy state," Levi shrugged.

"Wait, how old is Uncle Kenny?" Eren whispered to Isabel who stood beside him.

"He is turning 76 this year, pretty old, huh?" Isabel whispered back.

Unfortunately, Isabel's whisper could still be heard by Kenny. He pointed his index finger casually at Isabel and clicked his tongue, "Beta, I can hear you. If we go by human age, I am still in my late forties now. But anyway, don't compare my 76 as human's 76. We could live until our 200-ish, while they will get to live until their 100-ish if they are lucky enough. Even then, they would be pretty much useless. So, don't you dare calling me old again, darling."

"Sorry, Elder Kenny..." Isabel bowed her head at Kenny apologetically. She felt Eren elbowed her side and mumble a small apology at her, which she replied with a quick nod and a smile before mouthing 'no problem' at him.

"Can we please go back to the main topic from earlier?" Levi let out a tired sigh. He looked at his uncle, demanding for an answer, "So, Kenny?"

The elder raised his hands in defeat, "Okay, you're the Alpha, kid. You want me here? Fine, I'll stay."

"That's not it. From the people that are here, I also choose Jean and Rose-Maria to stay."

"What? Why?" Jean protested, while Rose-Maria was too taken aback to protest that she could only stare dumfounded at the Alpha.

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