Ch.28 Epilogue

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Chapter Notes:

This chapter takes place three years after the previous chapter. Some things would briefly mention during the three years gap in this chapter, but that's that. I will leave the rest to your imagination! c:

Don't forget, River is different from human baby or even werewolf baby, he is a werewolf baby that was born from the Alpha family (if you forget: Rose-Maria used to be the Luna of the pack and she is the daughter of an Alpha, while her mate used to be the Alpha of the pack and he is the son of an Alpha). So, please don't get shock if there is some abnormal behaviour that going to happen with River in this story! I will write however I want! c;

PS. The paragraph in italic means flashback. I am not satisfied with how this chapter turns out, because too many flashbacks are confusing, but nonetheless, I hope you enjoy this epilogue. Happy reading! c:


Three years later.

Eren kneeled down as he put a bouquet of wild flowers at the top of Rose-Maria's grave; placed at Shadow Corps Pack territory, not too far from the castle. Visiting her grave had become his routine every one to two times a week.

Sometimes, Eren would go with Levi and River. Some other times, he went with the others, like Carla, Mikasa, Armin, or someone else. But today, he came alone, since everyone seemed so busy for whatever tasks they got.

Eren then sat down, looking for a comfortable position, and when he did, he smiled at the stone grave that carved Rose-Maria's name.

It's been a little more than three years since the attack on Armored Colossal Pack, and briefly, the fight with Red Bolo Pack that caused Levi to be injured badly.

It all felt like just yesterday.

Eren still remembered how panic he was when his mate almost close to death and how relieved he was when Levi had finally recover. And oh, what a great Alpha of the pack he was. Although Levi was still not fully recovered, he did his best on doing his Alpha duties and make sure that their daily routines was under control for the good of the pack. He did that with Eren to help at his side, of course.

Since then, many things had changed.

Ymir and Historia decided to become loners, living the rest of their life somewhere quiet and peaceful. With Ymir gone, her Delta position was being passed on Mikasa. Now, Jean and Mikasa known as the Delta of Shadow Corps Pack, not Ymir and Jean anymore. Armin got a little bit jealous at first, knowing that his mate partnered up with a man, but later, he got used to it. He even became good friends with Jean.

Meanwhile, Historia's fighters; Annie, Berthold, and Reiner, decided to join the Shadow Corps Pack. Levi, Eren, and the rest of the pack members happily accepted them into the pack, as a part of their new big family.

Kenny was still became the Elder of the pack, despite losing his two legs. Farlan and Isabel were still holding their rank proudly as Betas. The same thing went for another ranked members who still alive and held each of their rank proudly.

Erwin's pack took full authority on Red Bolo Pack's territory and they let Levi's pack to take full authority on Wild Titan Pack's territory, where Armor Colossal Pack had made it as their temporary territory.

Some of Levi and Erwin's pack members volunteered to rebuild Wild Titan Pack territory with a huge brick house, right on the center of the territory, surrounded by flowers field. The house became a place for Carla and Juicer to live as loners. But since the house was huge, Carla decided to make it into a safe haven for the lost pups that didn't have parents anymore. In human terms, it was like an orphanage, and many same sex mated pair came to adopt pup or even pups.

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