Ch.32 Extra (part 4)

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Chapter Notes:

Last chapter of the Extra Chapters is here! A reminder for the readers; I know nothing about childbirth. That is all. I hope you love how the last chapter turned out! c


With his stomach had gotten rounder and bigger in his early fourth month, Eren's pregnancy could due at any time in no less than a week. That made Levi and everyone in the pack –including Carla and Juicer who stayed there for the time being— keeping their keen eyes on Eren, more careful and cautious than before. And for safety reasons, since today, Eren only allowed to roam around his own bedchamber with Petra stay alert 24/7 in her office, just in case.

Eren groaned in annoyance as he felt trapped in the room, even though Levi and River were there too, to accompany him. Feeling bored, the brunette huffed loudly. He stared at Levi who was working on some paperwork on the sofa not too far from the bed, where he was at, and snapped, "I'm bored!"

"You can join me and colouring this book, daddy," River replied as he sat on the floor in front of Levi.

"Bring your colouring book and your crayons on the bed, baby," Levi glanced at River before he focused back on his work.

At that, Eren rolled his eyes and got up from the bed, "Stay there, River. Daddy Levi is being silly. Daddy can still walk just fine."

"Be careful, Eren," Levi clicked his tongue and stood up abruptly to help his mate.

Before Levi could take the first step, Eren stopped him and huffed for the nth time today, "Stay where you are, Levi. I can walk just fine."

"Daddy walks funny! It reminds me before daddy got pregnant. Some morning, daddy also walks funny too! I wonder why..." River chuckled a little.

"Yeah. I wonder why..." Levi smirked knowingly as he watched Eren's every move.

"Shut it!" Eren smiled bashfully.

"Alright daddy, you can join me colouring this, but you can't use green and blue, okay?" River warned him, trying to sound and look like his raven daddy, but it came out as a cute pout instead.

Eren chuckled. He pinched River's cheek playfully, "Okay baby! Now—" Eren suddenly went still with wide eyes as he put the palm of his hands on his stomach while breathing heavily.

"Daddy?" River dropped his crayon in his chubby hand and rushed onto him in concern.

"Treasure?" Levi, who immediately stood next to Eren and held him, asked.

Eren shook his head slowly, wincing in pain, and looked at his round belly, "I'm fine, just, my stomach suddenly hurts. Do you think—"

In an instant, Levi went into his Alpha mode, mind-linking the doctor pack, 'PETRA! I think my mate is about to giving birth!'

'We are on our way!' She replied immediately.

"I already informed Petra. Let's get you to bed," Levi said and carefully carried his mate to lay down. He was trying to stay calm, but deep down, he was panicking yet excited at the same time.

"Daddy, what happen?" River asked, feeling lost at the situation.

Once Eren place on the bed, Levi patted River with his shaky hand, "We think the baby is about to come."

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