Ch.10 Deltas

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Chapter Notes: HAPPY NEW YEAR 2016! WHOOP. WHOOP.


Eren gulped audibly. He was approaching Levi slowly, yet his eyes dead set on the mysterious girl, "Levi, is something the matter?"

Ignoring Eren's question, the girl turned to look at Levi, "Yo, Alpha. Who is that?"

Levi took a deep breath. He reached out for Eren's wrist once the brunette was standing next to him, "Eren. That is Ymir, our Delta." Ymir nodded in acknowledgement toward Eren at the introduction. When Eren was about to introduce himself, Levi continued speaking, "Ymir. This is Eren, soon-to-be one of our pack members. One of the survivors of the Armored Colossal Pack's attack. Also, he is my mate."

Ymir blinked stoically, "Yeah. I don't think I heard you correctly. I thought I heard that he is your mate in your last sentence."

"You heard me right, Ymir. Why? Is that a problem to you?" Levi asked. His Alpha's tone was challenging and there was a slight twitch from his right eye.

"Nope. I got no problem here," Ymir raised her hands in defeat motion. She then smirked to Levi, "What about the other members of the pack? Do they know about it?"

"Not yet. It will be official on the welcoming ceremony, though."

"Ah, welcome in advance, Eren. I'm sorry for what happened with your packs," Ymir gave the brunette a slight bow.

"I, thank you, Ymir. No need to bow, though!" Eren swatted his free hand back and forth. He was being flustered from Ymir's semi-formal bow.

"Habit, Eren. I used to bow at the Alpha. Well, only the Alpha from Shadow Corps Pack, mind you," Ymir winked coyly at Eren.

"But I'm not yet—"

Levi cleared his throat, cutting whatever Eren was about to say and started to speak, "Alright, let us take a seat first. Ymir finally come back for a reason; information, and I want to hear it now. We will do the small talk later."

"Fine," Ymir simply said and took a seat across Levi.

Eren was going to take his own seat next to Ymir, but Levi called out for the brunette, "Eren, sit here."

"Uh, where?" Eren asked dumbfounded.

"On this armrest," Levi patted the armrest on his working chair where he took a seat.

"Wha— But, Levi!" Eren face flushed in embarrassment at Levi's bluntness.

"Take this as a training to be my equal, as in being an Alpha. You're going rule beside me as the leader of the pack, so you will take a seat next to me. It's either this armrest or on my lap, choose."

"What kind of nonsense are you talking about? How is ruling the pack beside you has anything to do with sitting on the armrest, or, or, on your lap for that matter? Can't I just pull out a chair and put it beside you?" Eren tried to protest.

The brunette could hear Ymir snorted, she was holding a laugh from her seat, while Levi gave him a look that won't take no as an answer. So, reluctantly, Eren went to take a seat on the armrest.

Levi hummed satisfyingly at Eren, "See, that's not so hard right?" He then turned to Ymir, "Now, let's just get into business. I need to know what are the news that you bring to us is, before it spreading to everyone in this pack. So, Ymir?"

"Right. I might have good news, but maybe... I might also have bad news?"

"I'll decide whether your information is good or bad after I heard everything from you. Please continue."

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