Ch.26 Loss

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As they moved through the destroyed temporary territory of Armored Colossal Pack to reach the river peak near Shiganshina, where they parked their cars, Eren suddenly gasped. His face paled. Not because of the dead bodies around them, but because he saw a small movement from a familiar blonde person not far from where he stood.

"Juicer?" Eren called. He fast-walked and crouched down in front of the blonde rogue, "Are you okay?"

Slowly, Juicer turned his head slightly to the left, where a big, blonde wolf sprawled on the ground with blood all over, "He's dead..." He mumbled.

"Wh— who is that?" Eren followed Juicer's gaze.


'Eren, we need to get moving,' Levi mind-communicate his mate as they were in a hurry.

'Alright,' Eren replied to Levi. He then gently helped Juicer to get up while carefully asked, "Where is Canvas?"

"Also dead," Juicer weakly pointed the body across from where they stood. Tears were running down his face, yet his expression looked so emotionless. It made Eren's heart broke.

"Come with me? I can't leave you here alone," Eren said. He didn't bother asking about Lens, because he knew that Lens had long gone, dead from the early fight.

Juicer nodded weakly. He shifted into his wolf form and follow Eren who was now continued on moving with the rest.

"Levi!" Erwin showed up out of nowhere, along with Hanji who was still in her wolf form, "I got information from your fighters. Rod Reiss, he's dead, right? Good, then—"

Levi stopped abruptly, looking at the blonde Alpha in annoyance, "No, fucking eyebrows. It's not good. He announced to someone through a fucking cell phone that my pack is open for an attack. I need to get back to my territory. Now if you excuse us."

"Wait, Levi calm—"

Pale finger pointed at Erwin's face as the raven Alpha let out a growl, "You try to fucking calm down when it's your pack, Erwin! Good thing he only mentioned mine, not yours too. Had he mention yours, this plan will be ruined and we will be in chaotic situations!"

"Alright, fine. But seriously, you need to calm down. Don't let your stressful mind take control, it will do no good for you, the Alpha. Hanji and I, along with a few of our fighters will come with you for help. My Betas and the rest of my pack members will take care of this mess. We will talk about the gold later once we finished this, sounds good for you?"

Then, with an assuring smile, Erwin added, "Don't worry, my pack won't do anything with the gold without your knowing. You can trust us that much."

At that, Levi rolled his eyes, "We've been allies for quite long time. We even share the profit from the same company. So of course I trust you with the gold. Now, enough this chit chat, we need to get on moving, really."

"Alright. Some of your pack members are already heading to the river peak where our cars parked. I saw them earlier," Erwin informed.

"Good. Let's continue on moving," Levi ordered before he shifted back into his anthro form and ran in a full speed to the river peak with Eren, Erwin, Hanji alongside him, and the rest were following behind.

Once they arrived at the river peak, they wasted no time to get on the car and drove off.

This time, Eren didn't even complain about those fast and flashy cars, as he sat on the passenger's seat. Mikasa and Armin were seated on the back, while Levi was driving.

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