Ch.21 Bloodline

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Chapter Notes:

Longer chapter than usual, happy reading! ^^


Eren was pacing back and forth in panic while Jean guarded the room where Rose-Maria was going to deliver the baby with the help of Petra, the doctor pack. The brunette knew that she was in a good hand, Mikasa and his mother even volunteering to assist Petra there, yet he was still panicking.

Levi also stayed inside. It was some kind of an old tradition; whenever a she-wolf without a mate were about to having childbirth, the Alpha would stay in a replacement of said mate for support, none other than that.

Even though Rose-Maria wasn't a member of Shadow Corps Pack, Levi still stayed with her. It's the Alpha's instinct, he couldn't help it, because like it or not, Rose-Maria was like a part of this pack; as a loner werewolf who saved Eren's mother, not to mention her will to help the pack against Armored Colossal Pack, but mostly, because childbirth was some kind of big deal for the werewolves.

Besides the people that stayed inside the room, the rest who wanted be there as a moral support –hoping that both the mother and the baby would be okay— just like Eren, needed to wait outside. Not that Eren mind waiting on the outside, really. It's not like he would be any use if he stayed inside, though.

When words about Rose-Maria giving birth had spread, Farlan and Isabel wanted to join with Eren, but unfortunately, they were needed by some pack members for intensive training. Same went for Kenny and Armin who was discussing their latest attacking plan with the fighters.

So here Eren was, pacing back and forth in panic because of Rose-Maria's scream. How can Jean be so calm? Didn't the piercing scream from Rose-Maria scared him?

"Why her screaming sounds like she's giving birth to a dozen of pups? As far as I know, she will only deliver one baby. Oh my, oh my, I hope she's okay and nothing bad happen to her..." Eren rambled.

"Yeah, well, she's having childbirth without a mate by her side, of course it affect her strength. Her mate supposed to be there to give her the extra strength, both mentally and physically. But as we know, her mate already deceased, so this childbirth will be hard for her to handle," Jean said simply. Eyes still focus and on guard mode.

"But Levi is there, he is supposed to be the new source of Rose-Maria's strength in replacement of her mate as a support," Eren breathed out.

"It's not the same, Eren. It helps, but it's not the same. I thought you know this already?"

"I know, but still..." Eren rubbed his face with the palm of his hands and groaned loudly, "Oh, I wish Rose-Maria and the baby is going to be okay."

"I am wishing the same, really. Now, would you please just calm down? You, walking around like that, are making me nervous," Jean requested.

"Okay, alright, uh... let's talk something, something else to distract me, will you?"

"Like what?"

"Like how's your mate doing?" Eren didn't think, he just blurted it out spontaneously.

Jean choked on his saliva, "What?"

"You know, I am talking about your human-mate."

"Marco, my human-mate name is Marco. He's doing fine," Jean answered rather harshly.

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