Ch.24 Attack (part 1)

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Chapter Notes:

Warning for characters' death!


The raven Alpha let out a low, feral growl at the unknown werewolves as he shielded Eren with his body. Was their plan had ruined from the very beginning?

Just then, Levi felt a light tap on his shoulder. He peered at the corner of his eyes and met with grinning Tyrant.

When Levi turned and aimed his growl at Tyrant, the red haired rogue immediately raised up his arms slightly, "Whoa! Chill, chill. They are the rogues that would help you, us. We are on the same team."

"We told you that they would only show up at the x-day, right? Now, here they are," Lens added from afar.

"Whew, guys! You almost gave me a tiny heart attack. Does it really necessary to come out and greet us like that? Although, I can't lie, you looked really cool back then when you guys suddenly showed up. Hey, are rogues always had scowls on their face? Because mmmpf—" As Hanji babbled nonsense to the now-confused-rogues, Erwin cut her off by gently clapping her mouth shut with his hand and nodded at Levi, signalling him to get on with their plan.

"Right. So, you're here. You know what to do and where to take your positions, right?" Levi asked the rogues.

"Yeah, yeah. Let's finish this quickly, and if you ever forget about the reward that you promised, there will be another attack from 38 angry rogues to you," Threatened one of them.

While Levi and the others started to talk about their attacking plan, Eren took a quick glimpse around and stopped abruptly at the sight that made his eyes widened in shock. There, a bit far from his left, he saw one rogue, one familiar rogue that still in his human form who was standing closely to two wolves. He remembered him, and if he wasn't mistaken, he probably could take a wild guess on the two wolves.

They were the ones who went rogues from Shadow Corps Pack when Levi announced Eren as his mate.

The three rogues stared at Eren with the same shocked expression and immediately turned their face away. Eren could only let out a small huff at that. Since they didn't say anything, Eren had assumed that they were still going to help them and didn't back out just because of the past. Thank the moon.

As Eren zoned out, Levi spoke in a low voice, "Everyone in positions. From here, I want all of you to move as quiet as possible. Also— Ah, Ymir, just in time," Levi looked up at Ymir who was standing on a tree branch.

Ymir jumped down smoothly and gave the raven Alpha a small smirk, "I've been here since a few hours ago, actually. I was keeping an eye on them since I arrived."

"Well, since everyone is already here, let's get into our position," Levi ordered.

Even though the rogues didn't like it when any Alphas ordered them, just this once, they obeyed. It's business anyway. They're about to get quite amount of price from this.

Once everyone had taken their position, Erwin gave Levi a curt nod. The blond Alpha raised his right hand up in the air. Everyone was staring at the said hand, ready for their cue to start moving. When Erwin set down his hand, each of the members that stood behind the rogues immediately shifted –either it was their feral form or anthro form—, and running quietly to ambush Armored Colossal Pack's territory.

As they got nearing into the location, Erwin, who was in his anthro form, running passed the rogues and balled his hand, putting it up in the air as a sign to stop. He then motioned Levi to split up. The raven Alpha nodded and signalling his pack members and some of the rogues to follow him.

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