Ch.27 Conclusion

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It has been three hours after Nile death. The rest of Red Bolo Pack members had been taken care of by Levi's and Erwin's members.

Meanwhile, Eren's emerald eyes looked dead as he was staring blankly at nothing, dry tears stained on his tan cheek, while he cradled a sleeping River in his arms.

Back then, after Levi had been stabbed by Nile, it took a great amount of energy for Mikasa and Armin to calm Eren down. They also had to force Eren to let go of crying River from his grasp, because Eren was trashing around, when Petra and a few of members took Levi to the bedchamber to treat the dying Alpha.

And now, here Eren was, sitting quietly on a chair with sleeping River in his arms, next to the bed where unconscious Levi rested. Yes, Petra did a great job for saving Levi's life, but only barely, because Levi fell into a coma. The worse part; Eren can't felt Levi's wolf, as if Levi's wolf already dead and that scared Eren to no end. Werewolf wasn't any good without his wolf inside them. It was like a sleeping body with no soul at all.

Eren did nothing but mope silently. His eyes blinked lifelessly at the sight of Levi, waiting for a miracle to happen, as he sat still.

"Eren?" Came Mikasa's voice, "You need to put River to sleep in bed, you know? I bet he would feel more comfortable that way, rather than sleeping in your arms."

When Eren didn't answer, Armin placed his hand onto his best friend's shoulder gently, "Eren... River had been sleeping in your arms while curling up in a weird angle. I don't think that looks good for the baby..."

Upon hearing Armin's words, Eren slowly looked down and shook his head weakly, "No. I got him. I won't let anyone, or anything, harm him. I will keep an eye on him and my other eye on Levi. Yeah... I won't— I won't keep my eyes off them," He answered with such a low voice and slowly repositioned River in his arms so he could sleep more comfortable than before.

"Eren—" Armin tightened his grip on Eren's shoulder. His face looked hurt at the sight of his best friend. The blonde young man didn't like it one bit.

"It is my entire fault, you know? I was too caught up in Rose-Maria's death and—"

"And that is normal, Eren. You were mourning for the death of someone that's quite close to you."

"Mikasa, you don't understand!" Eren whisper-shouted. "Because of my weak emotion, look what had happen to Levi, to my mate. He is lying there, in a coma, having a crisis. I can't feel his wolf. My wolf can't feel his wolf either. He's dying..." Eren said the last sentence in a whimper.

At that, Mikasa did nothing but stepped forward and hugged him tightly.

Eren leaned onto Mikasa's touch. He shook his head in utter disbelief, "This is ridiculous! Why I can't feel his wolf—"

"Hush, Eren..." Armin rubbed his thumb and made a circling motion on Eren's shoulder, "He will be fine. He is a strong Alpha. Put more faith in him. I bet he's also trying his best to stay alive..."

Tears started to fall on Eren's cheek again. He was now sobbing hard, making River twitched in his arms. Before the little-pup awake, Eren tried to stop his crying, which he failed on doing so. He then released himself from Mikasa and Armin as he swung his arms back and forth slowly to make River go back into his deep sleep, while humming a lullaby that he learned from his mother.

Just then, Hanji barged in. Her sorrowful eyes changed into an annoyance look when she saw Eren's appearance.

She strode toward the brunette and put her hands on her hips, "What are you doing here sobbing your eyes out, Alpha?" Her voice was full of her Luna's authority. It was the first time Eren saw this side of her.

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