"Place we need to be "

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#Snow's P.O.V

We were  traveling for almost three days and we have been near the Arendelle Kingdom.

All I know about Queen Elsa is that she was young and that she had special magic powers. Her sister came to my kingdom when she was ten years old.

I let Regina to rule my kingdom until I come back. She was really good at ruling it.

"Get some sleep David." He couldn't sleep for days.

"Fine . To be honest,I am sleepy." He said slowly. I put my lips on his. He smiled when he saw Henry coming near us.

" I wasn't supposed to see that." We smiled on that all together.

"I know you are scared dad, but you have to sleep a little." David hugged him tight.

All of us were scared and we tried not to panic but Henry saw that we were terrified of idea that someone bad took her away from us forever.

When David went down to sleep, I continued the rule of captain. Long way was waiting for us to help someone we love.

#Emma's P.O.V

We were sailing for almost half of the day. Hook was the captain like usually but I was helping too.

I had feelings for him ,  from moment I saw him when I went to pick up the dress for the dance.

"Come here love." He called me to the end of the ship to see beautiful sea from the best place.

"It is so beautiful." I wanted to say more but my words stopped coming out as long as he kissed my lips.

"I am scared Hook." I waited for real and good moment to say that.

"Of what Swan?" One of his eyebrows went up and he had charming smile.

"Of losing you." I said when I felt tear coming down my face.

"I am scared to. But I am scared of losing you because you will be sad if you ever have Neal for your husband. " It was so sad because all we were scared of was losing each other.

I felt his lips on mine once  again. It felt like infinity and like world stopped just for us.

"It will be okay in the end Swan." I know that everyone said that when they were scared.

"How do you know that?" I was looking at his blue eyes for long time and then he found the answer.

"Because love always finds its way." It was most perfect thing he could say.

#Anna's P.O.V

I was so tired of traveling and not doing things I like. But do you know what changed my mood?

Seeing Emma and Hook kissing each other was just beautiful. I saw her smiling on things he was saying and I remembered my husband - Kristoff.

We met each other trying to "save "my sister. I married him after that and from than I am truly happy.

"Emma!" I called her because she was looking for me an hour before.

"Hi Anna. I was looking for you. In what time will we be there?" I could said she was bored.

"We was supposed to be there hours ago but we will be there till the end of the day." It was so stupid sentence.

"Ok. I will make sure Hook knows about it." It was all we talked about.

#Hook's P.O.V

I was tired and I had horrible headache. I couldn't say that to my people or to Emma because they could not have a captain than.

"We are here!" Bold man said loudly and when I looked right in front of me, I saw land. It was like kingdom but I heard that Anna is not the Queen in there.

Queen is lady called Samantha and her husband King Gordon. They are nice and helpful and that is wonderful thing.

It was night but there were many lights and you could see everything even from the long distance.

"My home." Anna said it almost to herself.

"I know you are missing your husband Kristoff even thought you didn't see him in a short time but you will be together in the moment." My Swan is so romantic sometimes.

"Emma is right." I had to came into the story.

"I know l am." I like it when she is happy. It is the song to my heart.

"I am so happy that we are finally here." I truly was. My Emma could stay with me and we could live happily ever after.

"Me too." She kissed my lips slowly and I felt happiness coming from her.

"Okay love birds, we can go off the ship now." We reached land but I waned to stay alone with Emma forever.

We came down and as long as Anna's legs touched the ground she ran to blonde boy.

"Hello Kristoff." He seemed happy for seeing his wife. I want from Emma to look at me the way Anna looks at him.

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