His front door was open...

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There was such a awkward silence between Tori and I.

"Wow..." Tori said, filling the silence. She's probably just taking it all in. I mean I'm still taking it all in.

"I would probably jump up and down, scream with happiness and then kiss you but we both know that's not gonna happen..." Tori answered my "question".

"Why won't it happen?" I asked, wanting to know and then reality hit me and I know why.

"Well for starters, you already have a girlfriend, and your girlfriend seems to hate me to the point where she'll do anything to see my fall and crumble, or possibly die," Tori explains and I sigh heavily.

"But there isn't anything between us anymore, there isn't a connection between us anymore, nothing," I say, trying to admit my feelings.

"Well then maybe you should follow your heart on what to do," Tori smiles and I look ahead.

"You wayyy too cheesy Tori Kelly," I smirk and she laughs.

"Why thankyou, I'm glad I could help," Tori cheesed. I hug her tight as we watch the sun go down...

¥ Two frickin hours later... Lol ¥

After messing around like 5 year olds, I decided to take Tori home. I pull up to the house and we face each other in silence...

But obviously we can't contain ourselves so we just burst out laughing anyway☺

"I had a lot of fun today Chres, so thankyou," Tori smiles softly.

"Well I know that having your Mom in hospital is hard on you and Noah, you deserve it," I smile back.

"I'll see you on Monday," Tori sighs happily and she reaches for the door.

"See you on Monday," I reply. She smiles and then gets out. I watch her get in safely before driving home myself.

¥ Next morning ¥

"Lola I'm not so sure that's a good idea," I say, unsure about Lola's crazy idea.

"Chres, one day we're gonna have a baby, and I think taking this course will help," Lola protest. You see, Lola wants to take a child care course where we have a baby doll that acts like a real baby for a week.

Has she forgotten that I'm quarter back of the football team and championships is less than three weeks away, I don't have time to look after a baby!

"Fine I'll do it," I say giving in anyway. Lola squeals with happiness.

"Thankyou so much baby, I got to go, byeeee!" Lola says in rush and then hangs up the phone.

"Chresanto, Craig's here!" Mom calls up the stairs.

"Send him up Ma," I reply back. Soon enough, Craig burst through my door and tackled me with punches.

"What's crackalacking?" He asked after getting off me and  taking a seat in my swirly chair.

"Lola wants to take the child care course for when we have a 'family'" I say, using quotation marks for the word 'family'.

"You need to tell her that you don't love her anymore, stop waiting for the right time, because if she moves on over to some guy that treats her better, your gonna regret it bro," Craig warns me and I sigh. He's right. I got to end it, TODAY.

"I will, thanks Craig, you always know the right thing to say," I smile at my best friend and he high-5s himself.

"Well done Craig, we make a great team!" I said to himself.

"You know what, I'm gonna do it now, I'm gonna dump her now," I think out loud, as I get up from off my bed and shove my feet into a pair of Jordans. I slide my phone into my back pocket and walk towards my door, Craig following behind.


What would Lola be doing at Ray's house?

Craig and I turned up at her doorstep to find that she was at Ray's house.

Something smells fishy...

So we drive off to Ray's instead to tell Lola the bad news. We arrive and find that his front door is open...

"That's weird, Ray always locks his front door..." Craig says, just as confused as I was.

We enter in his home and called his name...

But instead we heard moans...

Oh hell no...

I shoot up the stairs and into his room to see what I didn't want to see...

My best friend having sex my girlfriend.

The girl that makes my heart raceWhere stories live. Discover now