Day Two~ Tutor Tori

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As I was walking past a few music rooms I hear music. It was coming from the one at the very end. Me being curious, I walk down to the bottom and saw her. She was dancing with her friends. She wasn't that bad to be honest😂❤️

She smiled and then turn to look over at me. I waved and she waved back. I was gonna walk over and try and talk to her but her friend took her away and I felt a hand grab mine. Lola.

"What brings you down here babe?" I familiar voice asked me.

"Looking for Mrs Jones," I lied, not feeling in the for her lecture about her being my girlfriend and no one else.


"Ok, well maybe we should move away from here and talk about our campaign for Prom King and Prom Queen," Lola smiled, as she led me to her locker.

"Maybe we shouldn't just yet Lola, I mean it's a bit early for a Prom campaign," I sigh heavily.

"Your right, sorry baby, I just really love you and I really wanna be Prom Queen and you be my Prom King," Lola smiles sweetly as she flutters her eyelashes.

"I love you too, but let's just wait till the campaigning is announced," I lie to myself. I don't love her. And that's the big lie in all of this😓

"Well I got to go to cheer practise, see you later," Lola says, pecking my lips and walking off. Why did her neck smell of Ray's cologne?...

I shrug off the thought and walk outside, but instead I hear my name in the loud speaker.

"Please can Chresanto August report to Principal Davis office immediately, that's Chresanto August to Principal Davis office thank you,"

Great. Just great😑

I turn back around and walk my way into Principal Davis' office. I wasn't the only one there though. Coach Danforth was there as well as Tori!

What the hell is happening?!

"Mr August, take a seat," Principal Davis smiled warmly and I took my seat next to Tori.

"The reason we've called you is to discuss your grades, and there not great," Coach Danforth said, shaking his head.

"It's really hard to juggle football and school work at the same time," I say, defending myself. I though that out of all people he would understand. Obviously not😒

"We know, so we've asked Miss Kelly to kindly tutor you so you can retake you finals and graduate, otherwise we're gonna have to stop you from playing in the championships," Principal Davis said with a serious look on her face.

"You can't do that, I have to play in championships!" I say outraged. This can't be happening😫

"Well than, work with Miss Kelly for 4 weeks, and we'll see how your grade comes out on your finals paper," Principal Davis replied and I sighed while nodding my head.

"Victoria, you haven't said anything, is this ok with you?" Coach Danforth asked Tori.

"Yeah, sure, I'm cool with it," She smiled slightly. High guarded girl. I knew it.

"Brilliant, you too are free to go," Principal Davis let us go.

"After you," I smiled, allowing Tori leave first. I am a gentleman👏😏

"Thanks," She slightly smiled as she walked past me.

"So when do you want to start this whole tutoring thing?" I asked, trying to start a conversation.

"I'm free tonight actually if you wanna begin to today?" Tori asked, as she played with her thumbs. Cute😍

"Sure, can I get your number?" I asked her and her eyes lit up.

"Yeah, sure, that's fine by me," Tori stuttered and I smile. She smiles for a short period of time before she covered up her cheeks again.

"Why do you do that?" I asked chuckling and she went red.

"I only have one dimple that's on my left cheek, so it's kind of weird," Tori explained and I nodded.

"Well I think it's cute, far from weird," I smile and she looks down at her converse.

"Shall we exchange numbers than?" She asked and I took out my phone. Tori took out hers and we swapped as we typed our numbers into each other's phones. We finished and swapped back phones.

"I'll come after school?" I asked her and she nodded her head.

"Bye Chresanto," She waved and I returned the gesture. She walked away and I went to find my friends...

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