The way he makes me feel...

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It's sucks just being a 'Music Freak'.

People only knowing you because your the one who spends her lunch, in a music room. People don't trouble me. We'll expect for Lola Smiths who thinks she controls everyone, well she does but she doesn't control me, or my best friends, Ross and Laura. She never has and she never will. End of.

But there must be something about me that she hates, because she's had it out for me since freshman year. I'm over here keeping to myself and then she just pops up out of no where!

Like really?!

Yes Really.

I feel sorry for her boyfriend, Chresanto. He's obviously not my type, but what if he was? What if I said that he made my heart speed up every time we exchange looks in class, or when we awkwardly wave to each other in the hallways. Would I be called crazy?

Yes. Yes I would.

I guess that's how I am. Crazy.

"Tori, Tori, Victoria Kellyyy!!!" Laura sang to me, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Sorry, just having a Tori moment," I smile, trying yo cover up my cheeks. When I smile, I only have one dimple on my left cheek. Weird huh?

"Always got your head in the clouds," Ross teases me, and my imaginary light bulb goes Ping!

"That's it!" I say, scribbling words in our notepad of songs.

"Keep both feet on the ground while  your head in the clouds,"

I sing, as I play my guitar. Ross high-5s me and Laura does her 'happy dance' as we have completed our every first original song😁

"Finally!" I smile, again covering my cheeks. We begin to pack away and make our way to class. I say my goodbyes to my friends, then walked into class. I took my normal seat, in front of Chresanto...

Speaking of the king himself...

Chresanto and his friends walk in, Him and Lola holding hands.

Our teacher, Mrs Jones walks in, asking the class to take our seats. Chres walked over to his seat in front of me, smiling at me.

"Hey," He said, making butterflies in my stomach flutter around nervously.

"Hi," I reply, smiling, then I covered my mouth and my dimple in my cheek.

"Is there something wrong?" He asked, and I shook my head and looked down in embarrassment.

"Ok class, who's ready for the summer?!" Mrs asked the class and everyone got super hyped, cheering and clapping.

"Well since all of your exams are done, including you finals, we can finally relax," Mrs smiles, and the class cheers even louder.

"But, we still need to pick 6 people from this music class to perform at Prom!" Mrs Jones continued and I looked up. Oh shit.

"I've already got Ray, Craig, Jacob, Lola and the cheerleaders, I just need two more acts, then the rest of your night is yours, and the DJ will take over," Mrs Jones explains, her eyes, looking at me. I turn around to and see that no ones behind me, because I'm on the back row.

This isn't good...

"Victoria, how about you?" Miss asked me, smiling, and I wanted to murder her for asking me.

"Urmm, I don't sing," I lied and Lola laughed.

"Of course she doesn't, she probably sounds like cats being strangled!" She laughs, and my cheeks got red and hot.

"Enough of that Lola, If you insist Victoria, that's fine, anyone else?" Mrs Jones asked, taking her attention of me.

"I'll do one song," Chresanto, volunteered. Wow...

"Thankyou Chresanto, well if anyone else would like to do one song, come and fun me by the end of this week," Mrs Jones smiled to her class and began with her lesson. Time to get my sleep on😂

~The Music Room- Again😂~

"No your lying to us Tori, stop playing!" Laura said in a state of disbelief. I told everything, from the humiliating smile cover up to Chresanto volunteering for Prom.

"I swear Laura, I'm not playing, it actually happened!" I say, as I place down my guitar. Ross went down to the cafeteria to get our food😂 personal slave😏

"Ok what have I missed?" Ross teased us, as he handed our food and pretending to be interested.

"Tori actually talked to Chresanto, their first words, hey, hi," Laura laughs and I playfully hit her arm.

"That's just so freakin cute!" Ross said, impersonating Lumpy Space Princess from Adventure Time.

"Your funny Ross," I smile, eating my fries, as Laura and Ross share pizza together. Yeah those two are a couple. I don't know if it's a "healthy thing" to be a third wheel, because to me, it sucks.

"We're gonna have to do something about this Vicky, can't keep seeing you like this," Laura frowned, as shelved over to give me a hug.

"I'm fine guys, I promise, all I need to do is work hard in class, focus on our band and my songwriting, then I'll maybe think about boys and dating," I promise my friends an they both came and hugged me tight.

"Ok enough if the sloppyness, time to dance!" Ross smirks as he plugs his phone into the stereos behind us. He played Kiss me by Olly Murs and we just messed around, sang along and just had fun😊
Victoria(Tori) Loren Kelly in the mm💕✌️😍

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