Surprise Band

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I woke up the next day with a smile on my face.

😸 👈 like that.

I got showered and dressed ready for school. I slipped my feet into my Super Star Adidas trainers and jogged downstairs, listening to high school musical songs.


(A/N: I actually have a childhood memories playlist on spotify😂😂)

"Morning Sis," Noah laughed at me as I was on my knees hitting that high note that Demi Lovato sings in La la land.

"Morning Bro," I say as he helps me up.

"We got to work, work, work this out, make things right, the sun will shine, if we work, work, there will be no doubt, we can still save the summer if we work this out!" I sing as my song plays on spotify.

"Get your butt to school Tori!" Noah smiles, shooing me out the house.

|25 minutes laterrrrr|

I pull up in a parking space at school. I see Lola and Ray walking into school hand in hand. Douce bag Galore.

I then see Laura and Ross. I have to make things right.

I walk over to them.

"Hey," I say, feeling butterflies in my stomach.

"Hey Tori," Ross slightly smiles.

"Hi," Laura simply says. Okay...

"I'm really sorry if I made you feel like I don't care about you guys but I do, and I want us all to kick ass at prom with OUR song, I love you guys so much," I say and Laura hugs me tight.

"I love you too Torayy, I'm sorry for being paranoid, you know how I get," Laura laughs and I hug her tightly too.

"Group hug!" Ross calls out and joins the hug. We all laugh and make our way inside.

"So hows you and Chresanto?" Laura asked, one of her perfect brows raised.

"Nothing, we're not going out if that's what you mean," I explain, walking up to my locker. I place books in there and take some out.

"So why happened?" Ross asked, sounding disappointed.

"We were both two broken hearts that needed to heal, and being together was just holding up the healing for both of us," I say.

"Yo, that was deep!" Ross said in shock.

"Plus, we've both moved on, Chres is with this girl called Jennet and I'm with a guy called Justin," I say, smiling at the thought of Justin.

"Awww, well at least your happy," Laura smiles, cheesing. I smile as we walk towards our music room.

"Why are the lights off?" Ross asked, reaching for the switch. He clicks it in and there stood Justin and a BAND!

"What the..." Laura said in awe. We were all in shock.

"Surprise!" Justin said and I ran up to him and tackled him with a hug.

"You a bastard, you know that right?" I smirked at him and he laughed.

"Yeah I know, but you said you needed a band, so here they are!" Justin smiled and I kiss him softly.

"Thank you so much!" I cheesed.

"Oh! Justin meet Laura and Ross, Raura meet Justin," I introduced and they all greeted each other.

"He's a keeper Tori!" Laura sang.

"We'll I have to get to school, but I'll call you later," Justin  said, hugging me one last time before leaving.

"Shall we practice?" Ross asked, heading over to the drums.

"I think we should," I agreed, taking my place at the mic...


"Chres please, it was a mistake, I never meant for it to be like this!"

"Bye Lola,"

"Chres please!" Lola begged and I wish I was a girl so I could slap her.

"Lola, YOU made the mistake, YOU thought I was okay to sleep with Ray so if there is anyone to blame, it's you," I say, walking to my lesson.

"But this isn't how high school is suppose to be, it's always the head cheerleader and captain of the football team together, it makes sense!" Lola protested. I turned around and looked her dead in the eye.

"The girl doesn't always get guy in the books or the movies Lola, this is reality, not you little fairytale," I say, turning back forward and carried on walking to class.

You try so hard to move from you past, but people just don't understand. You send the singles to say 'get lost' and 'I don't like you' but it just doesn't process through their thick heads an it's frustrating.

I walk past the music rooms I smile as I hear Tori's voice. I walk past and saw her with Ross and Laura. They probably made up...

"Chres, Hi!" Tori said, noticing me. I wave awkwardly and walked off.


I finally enter my class and take my seat.

Until I remembered that Tori's in my class.

Great. Just Great.
Tori's outfit in the mm💕


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