Our meeting

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( A/n:Ne,Sorry if i'm terrible at this since this is my first Fanfict of Levi x Reader~~ )

~ (Y/n)-Chan's POV ~

" Dear (Y/n)..I want you to help the mortals for they need our guide... " Your mother told you,Looking at you straight in the eyes,Smiling gently.

" What?! " you asked shocked,I never expected that the day would come for me to help the humanity.

" Yes dear,Only you whom we can trust and make the mission a success.." Your mother said with a worried face on her..But you're sure that you can tell that, 'That' face is not real..

You looked at her and replied, " Fine,I shall do what I have to,Only if I will bring my team with me. "

Your mother smiled at you and nodded,She spun around,Turning her back infront of you as she wore a sly smirk.

" Of course my dear (Y/n)..I will call you're teammates over here and spit out the news.. " Your mother said then walked out of my room to call my team.

" Hn..Mortals? They are the ones that are called 'Humans' right..? " You asked yourself slightly curious as well excited for you to see them.Oh, How you can't wait..

~ Time Skip ~

" Dear (Y/n), Will you be alright? " Your mother asked You,As she brought her hand onto your shoulder.

" Yes mother,I'll be fine... " I replied reassuring her,While shrugging her hand off you.

" Vinx... Please don't do anything reckless with her. And Skye? " My mother said and asked,Facing Skye and Vinx.

" Yes? " Skye replied,Smiling at her with closed eyes.

" Please check on (Y/n) and Vinx if they do something reckless,And.. Please don't let (Y/n) and Jass fight.. " My mother said,Skye nodded understandingly.

" Shww.. " The wind blew with a sound signalling that it's the portal opening,Waiting for the adventurers to get in it.

" Good luck.. " My mother said,We nodded,Taking a step backwards then ran towards it,You felt a tickly sensation all over your body,Blinding light was covering your vision,So you closed your eyes to block out all of the light,But when it started to dissapear,You feel yourself in the sky,And blowing winds meeting you,When you opened your eyes..You saw yourself up in the sky,Falling rapidly..

" WHAT THE HELLL?!?! I WAS NOT ASKING FOR THIS KIND OF LAND!! " You shouted in panick,Trying to figure out what you'll do next.

" Sht,Sht,Sht,Sht! " You kept repeating cursed words under your breath,Flailing your arms around the air,The ground was almost there,And when the ground was like 10 meters away from me,White and Blue winds appeared on my back,It spread as it shows it's beautiful form and stopping the fall for you.

You flapped your wings slowly,Landing on the land carefully. " Oh wow,I forgot i had wings! " You exlaimed,Face palming at yourself for being so forgetfull and stupid.

~ Levi's POV ~

We were currently on an expedition,Riding our horses,Running all around to clear up the erea,I was having a good time,Enjoying the view,That is untill a voice interuppted me,Or should i say,A stupid nude giant fucker..

My Elemental Princess ( Levi x Reader ) [ Too Lazy To Edit ]Where stories live. Discover now