The Fight And True Inentions Of Aida ( Part 6.1 )

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( A/n: I.AM.SORREH.IT'S PART 6 NOW! I FORGOT!! Oh and my POVs are going to be common for now. And the picture above,Shows Aida's appearance. )

~ Narrator's POV ~

" Very well.. " Aida started.

All of our attention was on hers..Non of our eyes looked away.

" My dear (N/n)..Would you like to know my true intentions? " Aida said as she smiled wickedly at her.

" Of course. And don't call me with that name.. " (Y/n) said while glaring daggers at her.

" Since your going to die,Why not?! " Aida shouted with glee

" Well~ You see..I just want to kill you..Since you have these pety friends to help you,All of you can stop me by destroying the world,You ask why not let titans do it? Well..I am planning to destroy the WHOLE universe! And won't let anything exist! And then..When 500 years passed,I will reincarnate all of you foolish humans and enslave all of you! " Aida said while smiling creepily.

" Just like what i said,All of you will just be in my way..So i will kill you one..By..One.. " Aida said,But each words she speak she turns more and more serious and deadly..

Aida then chuckled a little,Then she waved her hand horiontaly,Making everyone be pushed aside except for (Y/n). When everyone was met by the wall,Aida waved her other hand verticaly summoning a barricade.

" None..Shall interrupt us. " Aida whispered.

(Y/n) took a step back,Biting her bottom lip..Abnoxiousness taking over her..Aida took a step back as well,While she did that,She tilted her head up and summoned a scythe.

(Y/n) glared at her,Putting her hands on her side then summoning a dual katana.

" Ready my little dear one? " Aida asked.

" Hell yeah i am.. " (Y/n) shouted while taking a little glance to the side to have a look at her friends,Only seeing Levi punching the baricade and shouting something..Looks like it doesn't allow any sound to pass..Then (Y/n) looked back at the spot Aida were..Keyword:WERE

She looked around not seeing Aida anywhere. ' Shit! She's behind me! ' (Y/n) thought while speeding forward.When she did that,Aida appeared on her spot slashing the air,Even making a small crater then dissapearing again. But she's not going to fall for that,Her eyes can match up to Aida's speed.

(Y/n) shifted at her back,Blocking Aida's Scythe with her dual swords making a x sign.

She then backflipped,She touched the wall which can help her to increase her speed to Aida.

(Y/n) jump up and pushing herself towards Aida with the help of the wall.

She sliced her weapons at Aida,But it was no use..She only made a small scratch at her skin.

Aida smirked while charging her arms at her back,(Y/n)'s eyes widen knowing what's going to happen,Aida then punched (Y/n)'s stomach making her fly back.

" GAHK! " (Y/n) chocked as she spit out a small amount of blood and saliva out of her mouth with her eyes full wide open.(Y/n) tried using her time element by stopping the time,But again..It was no use.

" Magic,Or should i say elements..Are not allowed in my kingdom..Only requips.. " Aida explained with a small chuckle.

(Y/n) growled as she stands up,Only making Aida boost towards her and punching her rapidly in the face.(Y/n) tried blocking all of her punches but she only blocked 5/15 punches..

(Y/n) fell down on her knees,Weak and ungeared..

" Give up now Princess..? " Aida said while smirking.

(Y/n) tilted her head down,Taking a small look at the side to her friends..She saw them..Trying to cheer her..? Everyone mouthing ' Stand up (Y/n)!! YOU ARE STRONGER THAN THIS! ' She then looked at Levi, Seeing him mouth " Don't give up..I love you.. '

(Y/n) smiled a little,Quickly summoning a dagger and slicing Aida's stomach.

" OW! " Aida shouted in pain.

Aida glared at (Y/n),She put her arm around her stomach trying to block the bleeding and the wound.

(Y/n) made her speed increase,She ran towards Aida and kept on punching her making Aida new bruises until she was slapped on to the ground with a hard impact,Blood running out of her nose.

Aida grabbed (Y/n)'s leg then pushed her up,Twirling her around and throwing her to the wall. Once (Y/n) hit the wall,She stood up again grabbing Aida's hair then smashing her head down to the ground making a small crater. She repeated it again and again until blood started to come out of her nose,Mouth,And head.

Aida had enough then grabbed (Y/n)'s wrist and twisting it.

" AAA!! " (Y/n) shouted in pain causing her to let go of Aida's head.

Aida then switched her place,She's now the one who's holding (Y/n)'s head,She grabbed her and jumped to the sky,Making a hole on the ceiling,Aida let go of (Y/n) causing her to float in the mid-air..Aida slightly going up ontop of (Y/n)'s weak body and then she kicked her hard on her stomach

(Y/n) flew back down to the ground with so much impact that wounded and bruises was only added up to her body and she made contact with the solid floor,And creating a huge crate..Aida came back falling too but landed on her knees.

She then stood up and grabbed her scythe,She ran towards (Y/n) slicing her at the stomach,Bringing a force with it,She made (Y/n) flew back and fell to the ground,Spinning a little.

Aida took a step back,She let go of her scythe and putting her arms together.

She charged her magic,Then aimed her hands at (Y/n)

(Y/n) was wounded all over her body,And she obviously can't block that kind of power..

" All darkness around,Come around me and we shall destroy this little princess' existence! " Aida shouted and blasted me with all of the darkness around this kingdom..

" I..Have no regrets.. " (Y/n) whispered as she slowly close her eyes,Watching the darkness slowly come near her and and eat her existence..When she fully closed her eyes,She felt wind rush throughout all of her body and a blinding light.

When she opened her eyes again,She saw a woman with a light blonde along with many other light color stripes and a galaxy eyes..It was like a goddess..

" Tch..This is the 3rd time i am saving you little brat! " She said..Her voice,It was very familiar..Then a woman's name struck inside my head..

" .....! " (Y/n) called out with a huge smile.

" I thought you have abandoned and betrayed us.. " (Y/n) said slowly as she fall onto uncounciousness..

[ Tbc In The Next Part Of The Chapter ]

( A/n: Who..IS DAT GURL WITH RAINBOW HIGHTLIGHTS ON HER HAIR?!?!? Three clues: Abandoned and Betrayed aaanndd a Goddess.. Well see chur in the next part ! )

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