Seperation Of Teams In The Same Tower But Different Dimensions.

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~ Narrator's POV ~

There stood the two Black and Crimson Red haired girl and starting to collide to each other to form just one body from afar..

(Y/n) and the others watched,Shocked..Never expecting something would welcome them.

After the two extremely powerful woman collided or fused with each other as a one person..It's hair turned Silver and it shone brightly and her eyes was glowing red with golden stripes..She then snapped her fingers teleporting all of the people in the HQ in a Huge castle..

She seperates team by team..By teleporting them with many different dimensions so they can't meet with each other,Only the people who are with them in the same dimension can meet..

And now let me tell you the teams..

Team A- (Y/n),Levi,Petra,Olou,Gunther,Eld.

Team B-Annie,Reiner,Bertoldt,Ymir,Christa,Jason and Bella.

Team C-Jean,Connie,Sasha,Skye,Nath.

Team D-Zach,Vinx,Mikasa,Eren,Armin.

All of the team was teleported in the same spot..But they are all in 4 diffirent dimensions,So they can only meet their teammates.

~ In Team A ~

(Y/n) slowly woke up and stand up from her place and the others as well.

" W-W-What's..Going on..? Where are we? " Petra stuttered,She looked around the place and somehow noticed they were inside of a castle?

" What the? Is this a castle!? "Eld asked while he looks around as well.

" Looks like it.. " Levi answered.

" This castle..It looks like,We're in Fiery's and Zach's Home! " (Y/n) shouted,Knowing this place.

" Really?! What the?! Are they somekind of a royalty?! " Gunther shouted,Not believing.

" So you know this place right (Y/n)? " Olou asked.

" Of course! Me and the others have talked about this beforehand..And Zach told us every inch of this Castle.. " (Y/n) said,Re-assuring them.

" Where are the others? " Petra asked.

" They must be in the other Dimension.. " (Y/n) said,Her eyebrows narrowed.

" What do you mean? That we all are in the same place,But in diffirent dimensions..? " Levi asked.

" Yes,That's why we need to find the main place where the portal is and teleport to the original castle so we can meet with the others. " (Y/n) said.

" Is this..Somekind of a game? " Eld asked.

" For Fiery,And the other girl..It must be a yes. Now let's start moving! " (Y/n) shouted and she started to walk towards the long hallways and the others following.

My Elemental Princess ( Levi x Reader ) [ Too Lazy To Edit ]Where stories live. Discover now